Welcome New Dolphins!

Start your journey here! Select a topic below for more information and next steps.

We are so glad you joined our community!

This portal is designed to help you prepare for joining the school and to provide easy access to useful resources for both parents and students. Think of this page as your go-to guide for getting acquainted with life at NIS and for finding the tools you need to make your transition as smooth as possible. Whether you are new to our school or strengthening your connection to our community, know that you belong here.

NIS is now your school and your community—and we are so happy that you are now a Dolphin too! 

You're Accepted! What's Next?


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Before You Start at NIS Checklist



Important and Helpful Information

Important Dates for New Families

August 30 - Kindergarten Parent Meeting - 10:45 a.m.

Kindergarten parents are invited to join kindergarten teachers Mrs. Escobar-Vu and Ms. Hogan to learn about the ins and outs of your child's kindergarten school day. Following the parent meeting, you may pick up your kindergartener for early dismissal at 12:00 p.m.


August 30 - Kindergarten Parent Meeting - 10:45 a.m.

Kindergarten parents are invited to join kindergarten teachers Mrs. Escobar-Vu and Ms. Hogan to learn about the ins and outs of your child's kindergarten school day. Following the parent meeting, you may pick up your kindergartener for early dismissal at 12:00 p.m.

Watch the Project Video!


When complete, the new East Building will provide four full-size science labs, two music rooms with practice facilities, two rooms for visual arts, a multipurpose PE and performance space, a multipurpose event and refreshment space, a roof-top area for additional PE activities and additional spaces for individual study and group collaboration.


Play Video