Donate to NIS Online
Japanese Yen*
Thank you for your support! Please use the form below to enter your contact information, followed by a form to access the online credit card payment gateway, STRIPE. Donations online can be processed both inside and outside Japan but please note that the donation will be received in YEN and charged in your local currency at current rates. These donations will be processed through Nagoya International School and are not eligible as a tax-deductible donation in the U.S. but are considered tax-deductible in Japan. STRIPE can process Visa, Mastercard, and American Express credit card payments (sorry no debit cards!) and will take 3.6% in handling fees, resulting in a lower amount actually received by NIS. You may want to consider that when calculating the total amount you want to donate to NIS. Thank you for your understanding and support!
- For Bank Transfer in Japan, please go HERE for more information.
ご寄付をご検討いただきありがとうございます。下記フォームにご記入の上、クレジットカード決済のページにお進みください。ご寄付は日本円でのみ承っております。海外からのご寄付も可能ですが、現在のレートに基づき日本円に変換された額が寄付されることになります。また、「学校法人 名古屋国際学園」宛てのご寄付となりますので、アメリカにおける税額控除の対象とはなりません。現在、Visa、Mastercard、American Express によるご寄付が可能です(デビットカードは不可)。なお、STRIPEを通してのご寄付となりますので実際にNISが拝受するのは手数料3.6%が引かれた金額となります旨ご了承ください。皆様のご理解・ご協力に感謝申し上げます。
- 銀行振込によるご寄付をご検討中の方はこちらへお進みください。
* NIS is a certified Tokutei Koeki Zoshin Hojin (特定公益増進法人), and donations to NIS (over ¥2,000) can be deducted from your Japanese taxes. Please consult a tax accountant as each family or corporation’s circumstances are unique.
US Dollars
U.S. taxpayers can support NIS with a tax deductible donation in dollars by giving through the Friends of NIS, a registered 501(c)(3) charity.
米ドルによるご寄付をご検討中の方は、501(c)(3)団体の"Friends of NIS"をご支援いただきますとご寄付が米国における税控除の対象となります。
To contact the NIS Development Office directly:
- Website:
- Email:
- Tel: 052-736-2025
- Fax: 052-736-3883
- Postal Mailing Address: Nagoya International School, 2686 Minamihara, Nakashidami, Moriyama-ku, Nagoya Japan 463-0002