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Food Service

Nagoya International School food service


Nagoya International School food service is provided by Cezars Kitchen, and is available from 8:00 am - 4:30 pm. The goal of NIS is to provide healthy, affordable and fast school meals and snacks for students, teachers and parents within the NIS community, and we are fortunate that Cezars Kitchen has continued to offer nutritious meals and snacks at affordable prices for several years. While NIS monitors the food service and the quality of the products offered, all comments, requests, suggestions and complaints regarding the service and billing must be made directly to Cezars Kitchen.

Learn more about the Cezars Kitchen program and pricing for 2024-25 HERE (PDF).


Service Introduction

Students and their families are usually given a tour of the cafeteria facilities as part of the admissions process, and younger students are walked though the line on the first day so they know how to navigate the process once lunch time arrives. Each day there is a plate of food on display as a model of what the daily meal consists of and also provides a sample of what a healthy balanced meal for that day is in order to help them in their food choices.


Debit System

Cezars Kitchen works on a debit system that enables students to purchase items without the need for using cash on a daily basis. At the start of every school year or at the time of enrollment, new students will be set up with an account, account number and PIN number so parents can access their children's account online on the Cezars Kitchen web page (


Starting Service

Students are informed on their first day of school as to how to use their account and many of the other aspects of Cezars Kitchen service. Students are also given their account number (if they have not received one already). They will need to remember their number as they must enter it into a keypad at the register when buying any food for breakfast, lunch or snacks. The number is usually given to students in the form of a card to help memorize their number; the card can be disposed of after the students feel confident without it.  Cezars Kitchen makes every effort to issue the card with the student's I.D. number on the first day to make the starting process as easy as possible. Cezars Kitchen does as much as possible to ensure that all goes smoothly at the beginning of the school year or after students start school at mid-year enrollment, and usually after the first two or three days the students master the system.


Payment Options

Payments can be made directly to Cezars Kitchen by cash payments at the cafeteria, bank transfer, or online. Payments in cash at the school cafeteria can be made between 7:30-10:30 am and 3:00-4:00 pm. Please check the Cezars Kitchen website or email directly at for details regarding bank transfer and online payments. Refunds on the total remaining balance will be made by Cezars by bank transfer to the parent's Japanese bank account ONLY if the student is withdrawing the school. In the case of international transfers, any and all applicable transfer fees will be deducted from the account balance. 

All transactions are deducted from the student's account with each purchase. In the event that the account goes into a negative balance parents will need to pay the amount that is negative first (which will bring the account back to ¥0) and then pay the amount equal to the plan you have chosen


Food Plans

All Cezars Kitchen plans offer students the choice of a la carte or set meals, as well as any of the snacks and drinks sold in the cafeteria. Set meals consist of choices from our buffet line including two hot main dishes, vegetables of the day, homemade soup, two salads and a dessert. Each plan allows for a selection from the buffet with instructions on quantities provided by the staff and display plates. Going back into the buffet line and getting seconds would require an additional charge. As the children get older they require more food on their plates, which is reflected in the different plan prices for pre-school, elementary, middle and high school students. Cezars Kitchen will advise the students if their volume of food exceeds the limit acceptable for their particular set and they will be charged accordingly. Once a month Cezars Kitchen provides a special roast menu day when a 150 yen extra charge is incurred.

Lunch Choices: 1 hot main dish, 1 vegetarian main dish, 1 side dish, vegetable of the day, soup, salad bar, dessert, white rice, condiments and fountain drinks. In addition, there are always an assortment of sandwiches, subs, wraps, bagels and naan available. Other items available for breakfast or break times, and a variety of non-carbonated drinks are always available.


Restrictions on Accounts

If there are items that parents would prefer students not to eat, or if students are spending too much on each day, parents can inform Cezars Kitchen directly and restrictions can be placed on the accounts. However, it is essential that parents get in the habit of checking their account on a regular basis. The preferred email to use is for requests to restrict certain items or amounts.



Allergies to a specific spice or food can be noted on accounts.  Please send us an email, give us a call or visit your local kitchen and we’ll be more than happy to add your allergy restriction on your child’s account.  Once the allergy is noted, every time the account is used, an alert is given to the cashier, who will verify the child’s plate. Cezars Kitchen does not use peanuts or peanut-products at any time of the food preparation process.


Important Note on Service

It is the policy of Cezars Kitchen to NOT refuse a child lunch or snacks. Cezars Kitchen believes that if a student has made an attempt to purchase food then Cezars Kitchen has a responsibility to provide that food. If parents wish their children's accounts to be limited in any way, parents must notify Cezars Kitchen directly by email ( and they will restrict the student's account. If an account goes into a negative balance food service will still be provided UNLESS we are told by parents to restrict the account in question. 

For more information, please contact Cezars Kitchen directly (, or learn more about their service and the monthly menus online at


Cezars Kitchen Menu

Chicken Enchiladas w. Beans & Cheese, (V) Cauliflower w. Chickpeas & Tomatoes, Roast Corn, White Rice, Grilled Vegetables, Mushroom Soup, Sliced Pineapple; CHEF'S CORNER: Shoyu Ramen