Secondary School Online Learning Plan
Planning for Learning
Teacher Taught Lessons: Face-to-face teaching time, this could include live (Google Meet) or pre-recorded video sessions (Haiku). This could contain content for learning as well as instructions and modelling for assigned learning tasks.
Collaborative Group Interactions: Small group discussions (Google Meet/Google Hangouts).
Assigned Learning: Tasks and collaborative work (Haiku/Google Docs). Students will be asked to submit evidence of learning for these tasks, and feedback will be provided when appropriate.
Accessing the Schedule and Learning Materials
- Students and parents can access the schedule for classes here. This schedule is in the form of a conversion chart from the ‘regular’ NIS schedule to the ‘Online’ NIS schedule. Parents or students who have any difficulty in understanding the schedule should contact Whole School Principal or Associate Principal.
- This schedule can also be found on each class page on Haiku; and will be emailed to students and parents directly.
- Planned face- to-face lessons will be scheduled using Google Meet and the links to join will be accessible via Google Calendar, Email, Google Meet app, and class Haiku pages. Daily information regarding learning engagements as well as the rotation for live face-to-face, small-group sessions will be posted by 8:10 am on class pages on Haiku.
Students (and parents if necessary) should ensure they can log on to:
- Haiku
- Gmail, Gsuite (Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Meet)
- ManageBac
To access Google Meet from a laptop, the browser Google Chrome is recommended, however other browsers can be used. When using Google Meet on a mobile device an app can be downloaded.
Anyone with difficulties accessing these technology platforms should contact the Technology Coordinator.
Expectations of Students
Technology Expectations
- Be able to access and use ManageBac, Haiku and Google Suite.
- Have access to a webcam/microphone
- Check Haiku daily at 8:15 am for update on daily learning activities
- Check Gmail and/or Google Calendar for Meet invitations
- Be online at the right time
- Treat a Google Meet as an online lesson and be polite to others in the chat
- Ask Technology team if need to reset password, or need any tech help
Academic Expectations
- Attend all classes on your schedule
- Actively engage with all three aspects of the online learning program
- Learning will still be aligned with the current place in the curriculum, as much as is possible
- Submit tasks as required
- Follow the teacher's instructions for how to communicate questions
- Respect that any videos or screencasts or other materials created by staff for lessons are for NIS online learning only and should NOT be shared beyond our school community
- Deadlines for electronic submission of tasks should always be within the school day (8:10am-6:00pm).
CAS Expectations
- Gr. 11 CAS students should ‘attend’ CAS periods online as scheduled. Use this time to bring CAS portfolios up to date.
- As much as reasonably possible, for their own well-being CAS students should try to incorporate CAS in their new daily routines. Gr. 11 CAS students can add any new CAS Experiences to ManageBac. Try to get some exercise!
- Gr. 12 students should have finished or be very close to finalizing their CAS portfolios. Those Gr. 12 students who have not yet completed a final interview with the CAS Coordinator should make an appointment with him to get it done online using Google Meet.
- Should they choose, student-led service clubs can continue to meet online to organize.
Grade 11 Extended Essay Expectations
Gr. 11 students should continue to work on their extended essays, posting documents and drafts to ManageBac as deadlines pass. As this is an independent research project the impact of online learning should be minimal. Students not taking the extended essay will need to complete a senior project and these students should have a concrete plan for their research and have identified a teacher they would like to work with by March 23. Contact IB Coordinator if help is needed.
Grade 12 Mock Exams
Gr. 12 Students will take their mock exams as per the published schedule. Teachers will release exams prior to the start time, students will be responsible for returning scans or photographs of their written responses when the exam has concluded. Remember the published schedule includes timing for HL exams only. Students taking SL exams should ensure they do not exceed the time limit for their exams. These exams do not affect actual IB scores or semester grades but are an opportunity for students to assess their strengths and weaknesses in each subject and so work with their teachers to develop an effective review schedule. There is absolutely nothing to be gained by students who do not take this learning opportunity seriously and, provided students to their best under exam conditions at home, they will still get valid feedback by which they can improve. Contact IB Coordinator if help is needed.
College Counseling
College counseling will continue via direct emails to College Counselors (Japanese colleges ・ colleges elsewhere ) It is important that students keep us informed of acceptances to university and of places they actually accept.
Grade 10 will be introduced to our college planning software. They will be expected to explore the software via guided tasks so that they will be ready to ask questions when school is back in session. Contact College Counselor if help is needed.
Well-Being Expectations
- Ask for help when needed
- Set up a workspace at home
- Look after oneself - hygiene, social communication, active breaks, nutrition
- Breaks and lunch time, close computer and take a break from the screen
Expectations of Parents
- Parents are encouraged to communicate with their child’s class teacher via email.
- Teachers will endeavor to respond promptly, and receipt of all emails should be acknowledged within 24 hours.
- Middle School students will require greater parent support than more independent older students.
- Parents are encouraged to provide as much support as they are able given their personal contexts, and should assist their children to develop into independent learners.
- It is not appropriate to complete the work for your child, however, ensuring your child understands the learning task, has the required resources, and is located in a productive learning space, is most appropriate.
- Feel free to assist your child to learn how to submit any completed work
- Any specific tasks or jobs asked of parents (e.g. reporting absence, submitting work for younger children, etc)
- If your child is unwell and unable to participate in online learning, please contact the office and please CC your child’s homeroom teacher.
- If your child is unable to engage due to any other reason, please encourage them to advise their teacher and the Associate Principal. If they are unable to advocate for themselves, please reach out to the appropriate person as necessary.
Commitment of Teachers
- For child protection reasons it is essential that electronic communication only ever happens via school systems.
- Emails from parents and students should be acknowledged within 24 hours during the work week.
- Teachers will be accessible Monday-Friday between 8:00am-5:00pm.
- Deadlines for electronic submission of tasks should always be within the school day (8:10am-6:00pm) and direct electronic correspondence with students should only be engaged in during that time frame.
- Teachers will reach out to Admin or Student Services for support as needed.
- Teachers will keep track of student engagement and communicate with parents should students not be seen, heard or submitting tasks as requested.
- Names of students not engaged in regular classes will be flagged through a weekly Google Form, and follow up will be done by Student Services and/or Associate Principal.
- Teachers will foster the skill of Independence. Students must learn to manage their time to ensure the completion of their assignments without someone always overseeing them.
- Teachers will foster the challenge of discovery. Students can explore ways they like to work and study that best suit their learning styles.
- Teachers will foster the skill of problem-solving. Students can interact with other students on the platform when they have questions or need more support, helping to improve peer-to-peer exchange and communication.
- Homeroom teachers will regularly check in with students in their homeroom, in small groups.
- Ensure all email communication from school to parents is done using iSams.
- All teachers should ensure they are logged into their school Google Suite account when using any apps.
- All students should only communicate with teachers using their school email address.
- Each teacher will have a format in which students are requested to use in order to ask questions.
- All families can ask questions regarding on-line learning via the Haiku on-line learning FAQ Google form.
- Teachers will communicate with Student Services and Associate Principal
Getting Started
To get started, and access the online learning links and materials please go to your child’s regular Haiku pages for their classes. More information can also be found on the Haiku Online pages HERE. If you have forgotten your login details please contact theTechnology Coordinator.