Elementary School Online Learning Plan
Planning for Learning
Daily, live small-group sessions: Students will be assigned small groups and daily 30 minute sessions with a teacher for dialogue and feedback, using Google Meet.
Pre-recorded lessons for Homeroom and Specialists subjects: These will contain content for learning as well as instructions and modelling for assigned learning tasks.
Assigned learning tasks: Tasks will be a balance on online and hands-on tasks. Students will be asked to submit evidence of learning for these tasks at least twice a week. This evidence may come in the form of a photograph of completed work or online submissions using Google Suite. Teachers will provide feedback during online learning sessions.
Communicating with Learners
Students and parents can access the schedule for planned lessons and learning engagements as well as the rotation for live face-to-face, small-group sessions via the class pages on Haiku. On these pages there will be a Google Doc containing the plan for the upcoming week, including all required links, and also including those needed for daily, live small-group sessions on Google Meet.
Students (and parents if necessary) should ensure they can log on to:
- Raz-kids and Sumdog (G1-3)
- Google Suite (Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Meet) and Gmail (G3-5)
Expectations of Students
- Students will access all learning on their Grade level Haiku page.
- The links to all the Grade level Haiku Pages can be found in the NIS Online Page HERE
- There will be 4-5 daily learning engagements for students in Grades 1-4. These will include daily Literacy, Math and UoI activities as well as 1-2 specialist lessons (Visual Arts, Music, PE, Japanese).
- Grade 5 students will continue to work on their Exhibition process and will also complete daily Math, Reading and 1-2 specialist lessons (Visual Arts, Music, PE, Japanese).
- We strongly suggest that students work on these in the two sessions indicated on the class timetable: one longer session in the morning (8:30-12:00) and one shorter session in the afternoon (1:00-3:30). All daily, live small-group sessions will take place between 8:30 and 12:00 JST (GMT+9). Timings have been made flexible to accommodate working families as much as possible.
- Students will be expected to participate in their daily, small-group face-to-face sessions and to complete all assigned learning engagements. These will be submitted to teachers using Google Suites and the online apps that students are using for learning. Students are encouraged to engage with the optional activities if they complete their assigned work before the end of the designated learning time.
Expectations of Parents
- Parents are encouraged to communicate with their child’s class teacher via email.
- Teachers will endeavor to respond promptly, and receipt of all emails should be acknowledged within 24 hours.
- Younger children will require greater parent support than more independent older students.
- Parents are encouraged to provide as much support as they are able given their personal contexts, and should assist their children to develop into independent learners.
- It is not appropriate to complete the work for your child, however, ensuring your child understands the learning task, has the required resources, and is located in a productive learning space, is most appropriate.
- Feel free to assist your child to learn how to submit any completed work
- If your child is unwell and unable to participate in online learning, please contact office@nis.ac.jp and CC your class teacher. If your child is unable to engage due to any other reason, please advise your class teacher and the Associate Principal.
Commitment of Teachers
When possible teaching teams (including specialists) will work collaboratively for planning and delivering lessons. This will enhance the quality of the teaching and the well-being of the teachers. Emails from parents and students should be acknowledged within 24 hours during working days. Teachers are asked to reach out to Administration or Student Services for support as needed in order to support students in the best possible way.
Students and parents should use the daily, live small-group sessions as their first point for asking questions and receiving feedback. If students email teachers they should only use their NIS email address.
Each class page will have a FAQ section which will be updated on a regular basis. Please check here first if you have questions for teachers. Rather than answer each individual email, teachers will use this FAQ space to answer as many as possible.
Getting Started
To get started, and access the online learning links and materials please go to the NIS Online Page HERE . If you have forgotten your login details please contact the Technology Coordinator.