Campus Access During the COVID-19 Pandemic(hidden)
*NOTE: These regulations will be adjusted on an ongoing basis in response to the evolving situation and in alignment with local and international governmental guidance.
Parents must consent to the policies below in order to allow their child to be admitted onto campus.
Effective from March 31, 2020 until further notice
1. Who is Allowed Entry to Campus?
While this policy remains in force, campus is only accessible to the following people, for the following reasons:
- NIS staff and students
- NIS parents, but only when:
i. picking up/dropping off their child in the case of ELC through Gr. 1
ii. attending an essential pre-arranged meeting with staff
- Visitors by prior arrangement only, to conduct business essential to the operation of the school
Clearance for such visitors must be sought from one of the senior administrators PRIOR to confirming the visit. The only exception to this is a parent meeting which can be pre-arranged by teachers without clearance provided the meeting is essential and cannot take place online.
Exceptions Due to Elevated Risk
Any student, staff member, parent or visitor who meets any of the conditions below is NOT permitted on campus for any reason:
- Someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19
- Someone who has a high fever (37.5 degrees or higher), a persistent cough or any cold/flu-like symptoms
- Someone who has been in contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID 19 within the past 14 days
- Someone who has returned from any country within the past 14 days
- Someone who is staying in the same household with anyone who has returned to Japan from a foreign country within the past 14 days
- Someone who is staying in the same household of a family member (or other close contact) who exhibits cold or flu-like symptoms (temperature, cough, etc.). In this case home-isolation for 14 days from the first day of those symptoms should be observed. (the only exceptions to this rule are if (i) the symptoms do not last for more than 3 days OR (ii) the condition is diagnosed by a doctor and is proven NOT to be COVID-19)
Social Distancing Requirement
NIS staff and families are reminded of the need for social distancing for the entire family. This is for the safety of everyone. Social distancing means avoiding close contact with others unless it is absolutely necessary. In the event of a family in which someone travels extensively throughout Japan or are otherwise unable to effectively practice social distancing, we require that that family to keep their child at home.
2. What to do if Unwell / When to Contact Public Health Authorities
Fever, Cold or Flu-like Symptoms (Up to 3 Days)
If a person presents a fever (37.5 degrees and above), a cough or any other cold or flu-like symptoms for up to three days they should stay home and self-isolate. It is not necessary to contact the public health authorities at this time.
Fever, Cold or Flu-like Symptoms (4* or more Days)
If a person presents a fever (37.5 degrees and above), a cough or any other cold or flu-like symptoms for four or more days, then on the fourth day, the local public health authorities should be contacted (see below). Please do this BEFORE visiting a doctor.
Exceptions to Above
If either of the below conditions apply to you, you should not follow the above guidelines, but instead act as follows:
- If you have recently returned from a country listed in (1) above, or you are a close contact of someone diagnosed with Covid-19 you should call the public health authorities immediately symptoms appear
- If you are high risk because of any of the following conditions* apply to you, you should call the public health office from the THIRD day of symptoms: **Diabetes, Heart condition, Chronic lung disease or respiratory conditions, Receiving dialysis, chemotherapy, immunocompromised, Pregnancy, aged 65 or older)
* Please note that, while not shown to be related to COVID-19, pregnant mothers are also advised to exercise caution.
** Based on the guidance of the Japanese Ministry of Health and the Center for Disease Control (CDC)
Contacting the Public Health Authorities
The appropriate telephone number for the area in which you live can be found on the website here . The local number for Moriyama Ward is 052-796-4623. A free multi-lingual translation service for those unable to call in Japanese is available here . Help for non-Japanese speakers can also be sought through the Japan Visitor Hotline on 050-3816-2787 or through their website here.
Informing NIS
Please note that in the case of testing and diagnosis of COVID-19, staff and families are required to inform the NIS Health Office immediately.
3. If I Have Been Absent from School, When Can I Return?
Absence Caused by Quarantine (without any symptoms)
Students or Staff in self Isolation/quarantine (described above) may return to school the day following the conclusion of the 14th day of quarantine, provided they are symptom-free. In calculating quarantine, the first full day of quarantine should be counted as day 1. This means that the quarantine is considered complete on day 14, and return to school is possible on Day 15.
Absence Caused by Illness but in the case that COVID-19 Testing has NOT been Recommended
In the case that a student or staff member is ill but was NOT recommended for testing for COVID-19, return to school is possible only after all THREE of the below criteria are met:
- You have been free of fever for THREE full calendar days without the use of fever-reducing medication
- Any other symptoms (for example, cough or shortness of breath) have improved
- At least 7 calendar days have passed since the symptoms first appeared (counting the first day of symptoms as day 1)
Absence Caused by Illness when COVID-19 Testing has been Recommended/Undertaken
In the case that a symptomatic student or staff member was tested for COVID-19 it is possible to return to school only after all three of the below criteria are met:
- You are free of fever without the use of fever-reducing medication
- Any other symptoms (for example, cough or shortness of breath) have improved
- You can provide a negative COVID-19 test result AND written confirmation from the doctor that you are able to return to school (the cost to be paid by the patient)
4. What Will Happen if there is a Case of COVID-19 within the NIS Community?
Student or Staff Member with COVID-19 Diagnosis
If a student or staff member who has attended school campus within the past 14 days is diagnosed with COVID-19 the School will move to online learning for at least the next 3 calendar days during which time:
- The local health authorities will be consulted to determine the length and scope of school closure
- The school will undergo disinfection/deep cleaning
Close Contact of an NIS Staff or Student with COVID-19 Diagnosis
If there is a case of COVID-19 in the extended community (e.g. a household member or other close contact of a student or staff member) then:
- The student/staff member will quarantine at home as described in 1 (above)
- The School will alert other parents within the division (but school will continue as normal)
- Parents who choose to keep their child at home are welcomed to do so
In the Case that a Student Exhibits Symptoms while in School
If a student starts presenting symptoms while at school, they will be immediately placed into isolation while parents are contacted to arrange for the immediate collection from school. In this case Parents must collect their child by private car (public transportation CANNOT be used in this scenario, including taxi).