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The IB at NIS


The NIS curricular program represents our contract with parents; and we are passionate about our mission and what we do. The IB program nurtures students to be passionate about their learning and to be committed to supporting their communities, regardless of their chosen profession or path. Ultimately it is our goal that students at NIS learn to question their world and to have an opportunity to connect to others – and to empower them to be able to envision the impact they can have on not only their own futures but also on the communities they will serve. We feel the International Baccalaureate programs best support students to nurture the attributes and skills to embark on this life-long journey.  


What is the IB, and Why is it Important?

As the first International Baccalaureate school in Nagoya, NIS’s track record for delivering a full, three-program IB education for our students puts us at the forefront of IB international schools in the region. But just what is an International Baccalaureate curriculum, and why is it important?

NIS chose the IB curriculum because it aligns closely with our school mission and our vision of how students should be learning. Students who are IB learners are critical thinkers and can solve complex problems. Their curiosity and interests foster a global perspective, and drive their learning in such a way that they are encouraged to not just answer the questions but question the answers. And when they do that, they learn not just what to know but how to learn.


The Benefit of the IB for Students

The International Baccalaureate Programme helps students prepare for a rapidly changing world that they will eventually have to navigate. After all, some of the future career paths our current students take may not even exist yet! Additionally, because an IB education is widely recognized as the standard for international curriculum across the globe, and because the DP in particular is known for being a rigorous preparatory path for colleges, many of our students matriculate into some of the world’s top universities with confidence and passion for continued learning.

So why is an International Baccalaureate education important? Because the world needs students who are problem solvers and who can impact their communities in their own unique ways for the betterment of everyone!  



The PYP, MYP and DP

NIS has chosen to frame our curriculum through the three programs of the International Baccalaureate (IB). These three programs (the Primary Years Program, the Middle Years Program and the Diploma Program) represent the world standard for international education. The International Baccalaureate develops critical, creative and reflective thinking, fosters the disposition of international mindedness and nurtures student confidence, self-belief and self-discovery. At its core, the IB curriculum enables students to understand themselves as learners - and as global citizens.


IB PYP Programme at NIS




Primary Years Programme (PYP, Preschool-Gr. 5)

Designed for students aged 3 to 12, the IB Primary Years Program (PYP) offers a comprehensive approach to teaching and learning.  In the PYP a balance is sought between the acquisition of essential knowledge and skills, the development of conceptual understanding, the demonstration of positive attitudes, and the importance of taking responsible action. In this way, the focus of the primary years at NIS is on the growth of the whole child, encompassing not only the academic needs of the students, but also their social, emotional, physical and cultural development.


MYP programme at NIS




Middle Years Programme (MYP, Gr. 6-10)

Designed for students aged 11 to 16 (grades 6 to 10), the IB Middle Years Program (MYP) provides a framework of learning that encourages students to become creative, critical and reflective thinkers. The MYP emphasizes intellectual challenge, encouraging students to make connections between their studies in traditional subjects and the real world. It builds upon the knowledge, skills and attitudes developed in the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP) and prepares students to meet the academic challenges of the IB Diploma Programme (DP). The MYP’s focus on independent learning makes it the ideal preparation for further study. Learning in the MYP fosters the development of skills for communication, intercultural understanding and global engagement—essential qualities for young people who are becoming global leaders.





Diploma Programme (DP, Gr. 11-12)

The IB Diploma Programme (IBDP) is an academically challenging and balanced program of education that prepares students for success at university and life beyond. The DP curriculum is a comprehensive, demanding academic experience that provides a thorough education in a broad range of subjects based on six subject groups surrounding three core requirements: TOK (Theory of Knowledge), EE (Extended Essay) and CAS (Community, Action & Service). Typically taught over two years, the DP has gained recognition and respect from the world's leading universities.



What are the Requirements for the IB program?

Since our curricular program at NIS is based on the IB, admission requirements for students to enter the program are the same as entering the school. First and foremost, families interested in NIS must appreciate and understand our mission. Through the admissions process, the school hopes to determine whether or not NIS is the “best-fit” for the student and the family. English level requirements are the same for all admissions candidates, and if needed, students are required to test for proficiency levels. Students who gain admission and enter NIS needing support in EAL (English as an Additional Language) are able to receive that support through differentiated learning in the classroom or with additional support from specialists. 


How to get into the IB program at NIS

NIS accepts students throughout the school year, and as an IB school in Nagoya, Japan, it has become a vital institution for families either coming from overseas, or for local families who have an international outlook and desire for their children to study in English within a global perspective.

As the PYP and MYP curriculum are the standard for NIS, students who are enrolled are automatically studying at an international IB school. The IBDP, however, is different in that it requires four full semesters to complete and students must be able to be successful in the curriculum without additional EAL support. Students who wish to enter into the DP must enroll in time to start the Gr. 11 at the beginning of the school year in August.

Regardless of whether the student chooses the IBDP track or the high school diploma track, all students will study the same subjects and have the same CAS (Community, Action, Service) requirements to graduate. Students pursuing the International Baccalaureate diploma will take examinations for all of the subjects they selected, partake in the TOK Theory of Knowledge (TOK) class and submit an Extended Essay (EE).


NIS IB Diploma Programme Results

NIS students have done extremely well over 12 years of history with the IB Diploma Programme. Since 2010, over 85% of students at NIS have elected to follow the full IB Diploma Programme, and over 90% of those students have earned the full IB Diploma. Our results have surpassed world averages and we have been proud of exceptional achievements by learners who have achieved at or close to the maximum possible grade of 45 total points - an incredible and rare achievement. Below are the final scores of the cohorts for the last five years:

Future Café Summary

NIS students have done extremely well over 12 years of history with the IB Diploma Programme. Since 2010, over 85% of students at NIS have chosen to pursue the full IB Diploma Programme, and over 90% of those students have earned the full diploma. Below are the totals for the most recent Class of 2022, who graduated in May, 2022:

  • Total Graduates:  31
  • IBDP Students:  26
  • DP Obtained:  24
  • NIS Highest Score:  43
  • NIS Average Score:  34
  • Global Average:  31.9