Levels of Provision
Three Levels of Provision
At NIS we view every student as an individual and therefore the Student Services program is designed to be as flexible and individualized as possible. As such, every intervention program we create is tailored to meet the specific and individual needs of each student.
To achieve this, we employ three levels of intervention at NIS: Monitor, Support and Intensive. These levels of provision might be addressed by one Student Services Strand (Personalized Learning, English as an Additional Language, Counseling or Health), or across a combination of several.
Monitor Level
At this level, Student Services staff (perhaps following up on a concern raised during the admissions process, by a parent, by the student, or from their own observations) will simply monitor a student for potential future support. Many times, perceived difficulties are short-term and can be explained by temporary factors (transition/relocation concerns, culture shock, tiredness, sickness, break up of a friendship, etc.). At this point teachers simply monitor the student's progress and well-being to determine whether or not additional help is needed. Typically, parents are not informed when students are placed at Monitoring Level as this is an internal stage of pre-assessment initiated by the school prior to determining whether or not parent consultation concerning a possible move to Support Level is advisable.
Support Level
At this level a decision is made that it is in the best interests of the student to receive additional help from staff at school. Our interns in the elementary school and our dedicated student services interns and teachers are assigned to work together with classroom teachers in support of these students. This may be done by giving a little extra help in class or perhaps by working together with the student one on one or in a small group from time to time. At this level parents are involved in shaping the steps we are taking to help their child and additional timely feedback is shared. Parents, teachers and the student themselves all receive a copy of the individualized intervention plan.
Support Level Reporting
Quarter 1: In Quarter 1, Student Services Team members will be engaged in observing, assessing and collating information on identified students. They will liaise with class teachers, interns, specialist teachers, the student themselves and their parents (where possible and appropriate) to determine the student's provision level. They will then work collaboratively with their respective 'teams around the child' to determine possible targets and to create Support Intervention Plans. These plans will be shared with students, staff and parents by the end of Quarter 1.
Quarter 2-4: Student Services staff will communicate with parents on progress towards targets identified on a student's Support Plan every quarter. At least once each quarter the relevant team around the child members will meet to review the progress made by the student towards their targets. They will also discuss any amendments for the upcoming quarter. Team around the child members may include grade level teachers, homeroom teachers, Principals, the Learning Leader for Student Services, Student Services staff, the Counsellor, the Nurse, relevant interns and any specialist teachers, who may contribute in person or through observations recorded on the student's online 'Student Notes' document. The outcome of these discussions alongside ongoing feedback from the student and their parents may result in a continuation of the existing plan, a continuation of the plan with adjustments, or a decision to exit the plan. This decision making will be communicated to parents who will be invited to share input prior to the commencement of the next quarter.
Intensive Level
At this level, the school has sufficient evidence to suggest that a more intensive level of support is necessary for the student to be successful in accessing the curriculum at NIS. This may take the form of 1:1 or small group support and may also include intensive pull-out sessions or additional help before or after school. The precise program is tailored to the needs of the student. At this level outside professionals (e.g. external speech therapists, counsellors, experts, etc.) may be involved in the team and parents are also involved in the target setting, doing and reviewing process. Parents, teachers and the student themselves all receive a copy of an individualized plan written with them by a member of the Student Services team.
Intensive Level Reporting
Quarter 1: In Quarter 1, Student Services staff will be engaged in observing, assessing and collating information on identified students. They will liaise with class teachers, interns, specialist teachers, the student themselves and their parents (where possible and appropriate) to determine the student's provision level and any attached fee. They will then work collaboratively with their respective 'teams around the child' to determine possible targets and to create Intensive Intervention Plans. These plans will be shared with students, staff and parents by the end of Quarter 1.
Quarter 2-4: Student Services staff will communicate with parents on progress towards targets identified on a student's Intensive Plan every four weeks (or twice a quarter). At least once each quarter the relevant team around the child members will meet to review the progress made by the student towards their targets. They will also discuss any amendments for the upcoming quarter. Team around the child members may include grade level teachers, homeroom teachers, Principals, the Learning Leader for Student Services, Student Services staff, the Counsellor, the Nurse, relevant interns and any specialist teachers, who may contribute in person or through observations recorded on the student's online 'Student Notes' document. The outcome of these discussions alongside ongoing feedback from the student and their parents may result in a continuation of the existing plan, a continuation of the plan with adjustments, or a decision to exit the plan. This decision making will be communicated to parents who will be invited to share input prior to the commencement of the next quarter.