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ELC Books


In Reggio-inspired classrooms like the NIS ELC, you will find teachers taking notes and photographing - documenting - while observing children engaging in drawing, making something with blocks or listening to their conversations with friends. By observing and documenting their learning process, teachers are able to guide the next steps in each child’s learning. Every learning starts with a question that leads into other questions, and bigger understandings by collaborating and making connections.

To help show this process unfold, the ELC decided to make a book. And then another. And now, another!  These books are just a few of the examples of the learning process for children in the ELC, and we hope you can click and read each book to learn more.


The Art of Tea (2015-16 ELC Kindergarten)

Dots (2017-18 ELC Kindergarten)

The Butterfly House Project (2019-20 ELC Preschool)