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Middle School Curriculum Overview


NIS middle school curriculum


All middle school students take courses in seven core subjects that are equally weighted, so students take the same number of hours in each of the following:

  • English Language & Literature (Language A or Language B)
  • Japanese (Language A or Language B)
  • Individuals & Societies (history, civics, geography, culture)
  • Integrated Science
  • Integrated Math
  • Physical & Health Education
  • The Arts (art, drama, music)

Students also take classes in Design Technology and study skills. These courses provide the skills middle school students need to be successful in all their classes.
Middle school students spend most of the day moving between six classes with their homeroom group. In some classes they may mix with students from the other homeroom (English, math, PE) and sometimes with other middle school grades (Japanese). Like the high school, middle school classes are scheduled based on an alternating Week 1/Week 2 rotating schedule, with short daily homerooms and weekly, extended homerooms. While most of the day is spent in middle school classrooms in the Wing Building, students have an occasional class in the high school area, and share a common break and lunch times with the high school students.

Course Descriptions