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NIS Admissions Wait-Pool

NIS Wait-Pool Information (2018-19)

Availability limited in some classes; applicants may be placed in a Wait-Pool


While NIS strives to meet the needs of all international and internationally-minded families in the Nagoya region, our school enrollment places are limited. Admissions is currently closed in some grades and applicants will be placed in a wait-pool. Other classes, while not yet at capacity, have extremely limited availability. Parents considering NIS as an educational option for your child are urged to contact the Admissions and Development Office as soon as possible. 

All applications submitted for the 2018-19 school year will be processed as usual, including interviews. Applications for the 2019-20 school year are now being accepted. Families are encouraged to review the policies for guaranteeing/reserving seats and the registration window HERE. The official registration window for the 2019-20 school year opens on March 25, 2019 for grades 1-12, and on October 29 for the ELC classes. For classes that are full, students deemed eligible will be placed in a wait-pool of candidates until a spot becomes available.

NIS has an option to pre-purchase or advance reserve places for students (or potential students) enrolling mid-year (or for next school year). More information is available from the Admissions and Development Office.


How does the Wait-Pool work?

When the number of enrolled students reaches a maximum desired Teacher-Student ratio, a wait-pool is created for students to enter when/if a space becomes available at some point in the school year. The NIS wait-pool list is not based on a first-come, first-serve order of priority, but, rather, our admissions categories place precedence over admission timing.

Students who have an appropriate level of English language proficiency and no other local, educational alternative will be considered at the top of the wait-pool list. Non-English speaking students or students with an appropriate level of English language proficiency who are currently enrolled in local preschools, kindergartens or other international schools will be considered after all students with no other educational alternative have come off the wait-pool.

Families will not be asked to pay a tuition down-payment to stay on the wait-pool, but families must have paid the application fee in full in order to be considered for placement on the wait-pool.