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ELC Kindergarten Programme of Inquiry



ELC Kindergarten Programme of Inquiry (POI)

(Four “Units of Inquiry”)


How the World Works

Transdisciplinary Theme: How humans use their understanding of scientific principles
Central Idea: People can learn about the world through observation and inquiry.
Key Concepts: Function, Causation
Lines of Inquiry: How questioning develops our thinking; How people investigate and observe; How reflection can build understanding.


Who We Are

Transdisciplinary Theme: An inquiry into the nature of the self, relationships and friends.
Central Idea: The choices people make affect their relationships with others.
Key Concepts: Responsibility, Connection
Lines of Inquiry: The process of making informed choices; How to build relationships; How choices impact relationships.


How We Express Ourselves

Transdisciplinary Theme: The ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values.
Central Idea: Our ideas, cultures and beliefs are discovered through play.
Key Concepts: Form, Perspective
Lines of Inquiry: The many forms of play; The similarities and differences in how we play; The choices we make in play.


Sharing the Planet

Transdisciplinary Theme: An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things.
Central Idea: Living things have specific needs in order to grow and stay healthy.
Key Concepts: Responsibility, Change, Connection
Lines of Inquiry: Characteristics of living things; The different habitats that meet the needs of different living things; Our responsibility towards all living things.



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