Attributes of an NIS Teacher
If the below standards paint the picture of the kind of teacher you are, and/or want to be – NIS could well be the right school for you:
Shared Learning Targets and Alignment of Assessment & Instruction
- Learning targets and success criteria are shared and clarified with and for students at some point (as appropriate) in the lesson
- Assessments and activities align to these targets
Double Impact’ Lessons
- Lessons are designed to teach both subject specific content/skills AND transdisciplinary skills and dispositions (e.g. ‘learning to learn’)
Appropriate Challenge
- Learning targets and activities are designed so that they can be achieved – but not easily/without effort
Active, Inquiry-Based Learning
- Students are actively engaged in constructing meaning; teachers are skilled at turning ‘content’ into ‘problems’
- A spirit of shared ownership permeates curriculum design - planning occurs with students, not for students
- Students are offered alternative pathways to the learning through routes differentiated by product, process or content and through the filters of interest, learning readiness and learning style
Checking and Adjusting
- Frequent checks on student learning occur throughout the lesson and the teacher adjusts in response
- Assessment data from one lesson is used to modify planning for subsequent lessons
- At key points in the lesson – and especially at the end – there is an opportunity for students to synthesize their new learning and make meaning
Effective Questioning
- Questioning in lessons effectively engages all learners & extends student thinking as well as revealing information which can inform next-steps instructional decisions
- Students receive clear written and verbal feedback (as appropriate) helping them to answer three questions - Where am I? Where do I need to be? & How can I close the gap?
Peer & Self-Assessment
- Teachers organize engaging and rigorous peer& self-assessment
Attention to Detail
- Everything is well designed, well prepared and well resourced. This includes routines, activities, timings and transitions.
Classroom Relationships
- The classroom climate is characterized by respectful relationships between and among students and the teacher
Behavior Management
- Behavioral expectations are high and any problems are handled with respect, dignity and a focus on learning
Collegial Relationships
- The teacher is a collaborative, inclusive and positive member of the faculty
Communicating with Parents
- Parent communication is timely, professional and focused on how students might improve and be successful with their learning