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Parent Partner Sign-up

Thank you for considering helping NIS as a Parent Partner!


1. Outreach Team

As an Outreach Advocate, you will support the school by spreading the good name of NIS throughout your community networks. Activities may include:  

  • Speaking about the school when the conversation naturally comes up in your social and work networks (friends, coworkers, clubs and social groups, churches, etc.)
  • Volunteering to support at an Outreach Event
  • Initiating an Outreach Event of your own, with the support of the school


  • 職場やお友達、個人的に参加されているグループや教会などのおしゃべりで学校の話題があがったときに、NISのことをお話頂く
  • Outreachチームとしてのイベントを企画、実行して頂く
  • Outreachチームのイベントの企画、実行をお手伝い頂く


2. Transitions Team

As a Transition Buddy, you will support families who are considering a move to NIS. Activities may include:  

  • Offering support to a family that has similar background to help them make good decisions for their children and, should they decide to come to NIS, settle quickly into our community
  • Escorting prospective families around the school and answering questions


  • 言語やお子様の年齢など、似通った背景のご家族を紹介させて頂き、NISの保護者としての視点から、学校選びについて、さらには実際にNISに入学された際のスムーズな移行をサポートできるようご相談にのって頂く
  • 入学をご検討中のご家族に学校を案内して頂く


3. Family-Staff Association (FSA) Volunteer

At NIS, every parent and staff person is automatically a member of the FSA, and there are no dues charged. FSA Volunteers do that extra little bit to work with the school to improve opportunities for our children and support the community of parents of NIS. Activities may include:  

  • Stepping up to actively lend a hand in the organization and running of events and programs.  Examples are: Orientation or Welcome events, the Holiday Bazaar, Games Night and classes (such as language, cooking, etc.)
  • Becoming a Class Admin to help welcome new families to NIS


  • FSA主催のイベントの企画、運営のお手伝い(オリエンテーションまたは歓迎行事、バザー、ゲームナイト、保護者のための言語、料理クラス等)
  • クラスアドミンとして新たに入学されるご家族をお迎え頂く