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Partnering with Parents!

NIS is a non-profit school, established and sustained by a parent community who are committed to maintaining a strong international school for their children growing up in Nagoya. For this reason, a close partnership with parents is essential if the school is to remain current and relevant to the children we serve.

PTA members pose in a group with forested hills in the background.


Parents working together with the school to deliver our mission for our children

NIS partners with parents through our Parent Partners program who are a diverse team of volunteer parents who use their personal skills, circumstances, and attributes to support and develop the school. There are three strands within the Parent Partner organization: Outreach, Transitions, and the FSA (Family-Staff Association) which is formerly known as the PTA.
NIS Parent Partnerは、保護者の皆様がご自分の特技や経験を活かし、ご都合の許す範囲で活動して頂ける保護者によるボランティアグループです。Parent Partnerは、Outreach Team, Transitions Team, FSA Volunteersの3つのグループに分かれています。


Read the Parent Partner Charter HERE


There are three ways to be a Parent Partner:

The Outreach Team

Outreach Advocates are parents who support the school spreading the word about NIS throughout their community networks, such as:

  • Speaking about NIS when the topic of schools naturally comes up in conversations and amongst workplace or family networks (friends, co-workers, clubs/social groups, churches, etc.)
  • Initiating an Outreach Event of your own, with the support of the school
  • Volunteering to support an event organized by someone from the Outreach Team
  • 職場やお友達、個人的に参加されているグループや教会などのおしゃべりで学校の話題があがったときに、NISのことをお話頂く
  • Outreachチームとしてのイベントを企画、実行して頂く
  • Outreachチームのイベントの企画、実行をお手伝い頂く

The Transitions Team

Transition Buddies are volunteer parents who support families considering a move to NIS. Volunteer transition parents are connected to a similar family (i.e. language, similar age children, background, etc.) to make contact and offer support. The aim is to help new families make good decisions for their children and, should they decide to come to NIS, better transition in to our community. Some transition buddies may also serve as campus tour guides.



FSA Volunteers

Our FSA Volunteers (formerly called PTA Volunteers) are the third important strand of the Parent Partner Initiative at NIS. While the Outreach and Transition teams help families arrive at NIS, once families are here, the FSA takes over! The FSA works with the school to improve opportunities for our children and support the community of parents living and working in Nagoya. While all parents are automatically members of the FSA and are welcome to attend all FSA events, FSA Volunteers step up to actively lend a hand in the organization and running of events.


As of now, our Parent Partner teams have...

  • Helped to create the NIS tagline, “Inquire, Inspire, Impact”
  • Held a workshop for expecting or new mothers to learn more about international education options in Japan (Outreach)
  • Helped create NIS magnets and stickers (Outreach)
  • Been connecting with families interested in NIS and provided support by answering questions and giving school tours (Transitions)
  • Supportec “Open Houses” for prospective families by joining and sharing their experiences at NIS (Transitions)
  • Planned a panel discussion for parents which involved NIS alumni talking about how an NIS education helped them transition to college or university (Outreach)
  • Created straws and chopsticks with the NIS tagline imprinted, thanks to the support of the Design Team (Outreach)
  • Organized a wide variety of events and activities all year-long (FSA Volunteers)

これまで、Parent Partnerの皆様には以下のような形でご貢献頂いております。

  • NISタグライン(スローガン)、"Inquire, Inspire, Impact"の決定
  • 妊娠中の日本人保護者を対象とした、国際教育についてのワークショップの開催(Outreach)
  • NISマグネット、ステッカーの製作 (Outreach)
  • NISへの入学を検討中の保護者に対し、個人的に質問に答えたり学校を案内するなどのサポート(Transitions)
  • 学校説明会での質疑応答セッションのサポート(Transitions)
  • NIS卒業後の進路などについてのパネルディスカッションの企画、実施(Outreach)   => パネルディスカッションの要約はこちら
  • NISタグラインのエコストロー、箸の企画、製作(Outreach)
  • 生徒や保護者のための様々なイベントなどの企画、実施、サポート(FSAボランティア)

Parent Partners and YOU!


Current Parents: Do you want to be a Parent Partner?

We can always use the help of our parents! If you have an interest in helping in any area we look forward to hearing from you. Contact us for more information! Or better yet, go here to sign up!


Prospective Parents: Are you thinking about NIS for your child?

Would you like to get connected with a "Transition Buddy?" We can connect you with someone who can answer your questions and tell you about NIS with no pressure or expectations. Please contact us.