Dolphin Tales
Traveling Through Retirement
Paul, Class of 1970, was one of the students that influenced us becoming Dolphins! In retirement he still looks back fondly on NIS and through Friends of Nagoya International School, still helps out.
Where are you living now?
My wife Linda and I have been living in Seattle, Washington State since 1980.
What kind of work are you doing?
I am working hard at being retired these days! During my career, I was involved with the sales of new aircraft during my 30 years at Boeing and made over 100 trips to Japan. In my spare time, I help as Treasurer of Friends of Nagoya International School Inc.( which was established to allow tax free USD donations from NIS alumni and friends.
What’s the one thing that you are really enjoying or most excited about these days?
My wife and I love to travel. We have traveled to six out of seven continents during retirement. Our travel wings were clipped during Covid-19 lockdown but our wanderlust has resumed and we made it to Costa Rica, Peru, and Ecuador in 2022!
Was there a teacher at NIS who stood out or who had a positive influence on you?
Miss Sugihara, Math and Mr. Cole, Social Studies. Mr. Cole came to Japan to study Buddhism and he was an interesting person and a different adult role model from the rest of the school staff.
What’s your fondest memory from your time at NIS?
Helping to establish the “Dolphin” as the NIS mascot. Our inspiration was the golden shachi on the roof of the Nagoya Castle.
What’s the one thing you miss most about your time at Japan?
I no longer can travel to Japan for work and I miss my daily interaction with Japanese people. The pleasure that I enjoyed from living in Japan is a void that is hard to replace in my life. I need to return soon!
Lastly, what words of wisdom do you have for today's Dolphins?
Be curious, expand your horizons, and explore the world! Stay in touch with friends from NIS days. I was born and raised in Nagoya and it will always remain an important part of my life.
今は、退職後の第二の人生を謳歌するのに忙しくしています。現役時代には、約30年間ボーイング社の航空機のセールス部門で勤務し、日本にも100回以上行きました。現在は、Friends of Nagoya International School Inc ( の会計をしています。FONISは、米国内で同窓生やNIS支援者がUSドル建ての寄付をした場合に控除が受けられるように設立した組織です。