Dolphin Tales
Taking on the World
Mina, class of 2022, enjoys being involved with the UN while studying International Relations in Canada.
Where are you now?
I currently live in Vancouver Canada, attending The University of British Columbia (UBC).
What are you studying?
I currently major in International Relations.
What was your favorite class so far?
My favorite course was POLI 260 (a 2nd-year course on Global Politics). I loved this course because of its focus on global issues from various perspectives.
What was your least favorite class so far?
My least favorite was Micro and Macroeconomics. This class consisted of over 200 students which made it the least engaging, but also valuable for my major.
What part of university life do you enjoy the most?
What I enjoy the most about University is my role as vice president of AIESEC ( in UBC. UBC puts a heavy emphasis on extracurricular activities and as vice president, I lead members of my own while managing UBC students going on volunteer programs around the globe. Through this role, I have made friends from around the globe and feel my growth as a leader!
Outside of your studies, what’s the one thing that you are enjoying or most excited about these days?
My contribution to the United Nations has been an exciting accomplishment outside of my studies! In March, I was selected to serve as a delegate at the 67th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67), a United Nations conference hosted at the UN Headquarters in New York. During the 2 week conference, I discussed topics surrounding gender inequality with representatives of member states, UN entities, and ECOSOC-accredited NGOs while serving as a representative of the Canadian entity of AIESEC. In April, I flew back to New York as a delegate to another UN conference held at their headquarters, this time the UN ECOSOC Youth Forum. This is the key platform for youth leaders to engage in policy discussions with the United Nations. Attending these conferences allowed me to network and collaborate with amazing leaders and Youth striving to make a positive impact in our world.
What’s the one thing you miss most about Japan?
Definitely the food. As I was born and raised in Japan, I grew up with many delicious Japanese cuisines, one of my favorites being Miso-katsu. In Vancouver, there are many delicious Asian restaurants but nothing can beat the rice and miso of Japan!
Lastly, what words of wisdom do you have for your schoolmates still at NIS?
It is never too early to make an impact. I have met too many brilliant young minds who doubt themselves because they are still “youth”, especially in Asian communities with traditional social structures. However, at times, taking the risk, staying confident, and accepting your talents can bring you very far regardless of age.
Never forget your mental well-being. There is nothing more important than surrounding yourself with a community where you can openly express your struggles. This is the only reason why I can balance my UN work with a full course load! So show your family and friends some love and appreciation :)
Lastly, please remember that academic grades are not everything. As a graduate of IBDP, I understand how at times, the number on your report card seems like the whole world. Although grades are important, your experiences outside academics and your ability to network are what make you stand out and go beyond.
カナダのブリティッシュ コロンビア大学 (UBC) に在学中です。
今までとった講義の中で一番好きなのはPOLI 260(2年生の世界政治講義)です。この講義では私が興味を持つ地球的規模の問題(グローバルイシュー)を様々な観点から学ぶことができました。
経済学の講義は 200 人を超える生徒数だったのであまり興味をそそるものではありませんでしたね。でも私の専攻に欠かせない世界情勢を理解するためには大切な講義でした。
大学生活で一番楽しいことは、AIESEC ( のUBC支部での副支部長としての役割です。 UBCは課外活動がとても盛んです。私は支部のメンバーをまとめ、世界中でボランティアプログラムに参加するUBCの生徒を統括する役割をになっています。この役割を通じて私は世界中の学生と友達になることができたり自分のリーダーとしての成長を感じることができています。
国連の会議に参加し、活動する機会に恵まれたことです!今年の3月、第67回国連女性の地位委員会(CSW67)に代表として派遣され、ニューヨークの国連本部で行われた会合に参加しました。2週間の会期中、AIESECのカナダ代表として、加盟国、国連諸機関、国連経済社会理事会(ECOSOC)の協議資格のあるNGOの代表と、ジェンダー平等を中心とした議題について話し合いました。4月には再びニューヨークに出向き、国連本部で開催された国連経済社会理事会ユースフォーラム(ECOSOC ユースフォーラム)に参加しました。ECOSOC ユースフォーラムは、若者が国連と政策などについての対話を行う重要な機会です。