Dolphin Tales
Taking on Global Issues from London
Kanon, Class of 2016, has recently returned to London using her global background and education received at NIS to tackle and solve global problems.
Where are you living now?
I just moved back to London, UK in early November this year (2021)!
What kind of work are you doing?
I am working as a Sustainability and Energy Analyst at a global ESG* consultancy for the real estate sector.
*ESG:Enviromnental, Social and Governance
What do you enjoy most about your job?
There are many things that I enjoy about my job, but I'd mainly highlight two points. One is the constant learning process I am able to have by being surrounded by such intelligent, motivated, and like-minded colleagues, who are all very keen on sustainability, social welfare, and the like. The other is the self-rewarding consciousness that by endeavouring in my work each day (engaging with multinational real estate investment firms to improve ESG policies and performance at the company and asset levels), I am contributing to a wider and acutely necessary global cause.
What kind of challenges does it hold for you?
Because of the ever-evolving landscape of the climate crisis, ESG legislations in different countries, and more, the work requires me to be consistently attentive to these changes. This is certainly a challenge as our output must be reflective of and relevant to any sudden movements in all corporate, governmental, and environmental levels.
Did NIS help you prepare for your current position in any way?
Being immersed in a highly multicultural and diverse environment at NIS was definitely an asset for my university years and currently at my workplace, where I am working with colleagues and clients all across the globe. This has allowed me to not only thoroughly appreciate the multitude of backgrounds and perspectives that each individual brings into the community, but also be quick to adapt to new environments and be culturally aware at all times without having to do so consciously.
What’s the one thing that you are really enjoying or get most excited about these days?
It's more a long-term interest rather than a recent one, but I very much enjoy cooking and baking. Ever since I went vegan/plant-based several years back, it's also been an exciting challenge experimenting with how to best veganise traditionally non-vegan dishes and baked goods. For example, fish and chips, sashimi, mozzarella cheese, and tiramisu! At this current moment though, perfecting my homemade sourdough bread baking skill has been my past-time joy.
What’s the one thing you miss/remember most about Nagoya/Japan?
Nagoya/Japan has been and will always be my home so I do miss many things about the country and city tremendously, especially my family. I must say that I do miss the food (Nagoya meibutsu) quite a bit!
And of course, we need to know, what words of wisdom do you have for today’s Dolphins?
Very cliché, but to make the most out of your experiences and privilege of being at NIS by staying curious and inquisitive at all times, and don't settle for less just because it is easier! Join clubs, immerse yourself into the topics that you are interested in, and don't be afraid to ask questions.
One of my favourite authors, Julietta Singh speaks about the need for humans to not stay content in the lukewarm comfort that familiarity and the limited knowledge that we already know provides; to accept vulnerability and discomfort; and let go of expectations in order to receive things with as open of a mind as possible. Though Singh discussed these within the specific context of de-colonial entanglements in her phenomenally eye-opening book Unthinking Mastery, I believe this rings through in every level of society.
The largest pitfall of self- and societal development is perhaps becoming engulfed in the assumption that one's belief and ideas is superior to others and/or has no more room for improvement. There are always things that we do not know and that we can improve - it is an ever-evolving and never-ending process. Of course, such negative egotism is starkly different from positive confidence.
So to sum up this massive stream of consciousness, do maintain an open and curious mindset, be empathetic, and wait to see what sort of unique and exciting path it may take you!
*ESG 環境(Environment)、社会(Social)、企業統治(Governnance)
私はジュリエッタ・シンの著書が好きなのですが、彼女も、既存の知識や経験による慣れや限られた知識がもたらす生ぬるい安心感から脱却する必要性を説いています。不安や脆さを受け入れ、物事をできるだけ広い視点で受け入れるために、期待を持たないこと。実はこれは非常に啓発的な彼女の著書「Unthinking Mastery」の中で植民地支配後の様々な問題点などについて書かれた箇所の一部なのですが、私は社会のあらゆる場面に当てはまると思っています。