Much as she did while at NIS, Eimi (Class of 2015) continues to support both global and local communities in numerous ways. After leaving NIS, Eimi currently finds herself in New York via San Francisco, working to combine her passion for helping the community and making the world a better place for us all!
Where are you living now?
I live in Brooklyn, New York, with my partner and our big-personality cat.
What kind of work are you doing?
I currently do fundraising and development work for a small international nonprofit organization. Outside of my 9-5, I am involved in local mutual aid groups (on both coasts). For example, one activity I do weekly is a grocery drop-off for a family in my neighborhood. I also support community members and clients on a crisis line as a volunteer phone counselor.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
All of the work I’m doing is centered around community. My development work is 100% remote, which can be isolating at times, so it’s been wonderful meeting my neighbors and finding ways to support one another. I’m also able to build really meaningful relationships with my counseling clients on the phone, too, so that’s been pretty special.
What kind of challenges does it hold for you?
It’s hard (and feels wrong) to think about my own challenges in the context of the sort of work I’m involved in, especially since I hold quite a bit of privilege, so I don’t want to center myself here. But I will say that, particularly on the crisis counseling line, the calls can get really heavy. And that’s tough.
Did NIS help you prepare for your current position in any way?
NIS has really taught me how to navigate challenges with lots of patience and a little bit of humor.
What's the one thing that you are really enjoying or getting most excited about these days?
Cooking meals my mom made at home - and adapting them to be plant-based when possible!
What's the one thing you miss most about Japan/Nagoya?
My family.
And of course, we need to know, what words of wisdom do you have for today's Dolphins?
For many of us, NIS is a space of privilege. Being self-aware and mindful about that as you move through life is extremely important!