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Dolphin Tales

Retired but Still Teaching

Lorna from the class of 1973, is enjoying retirement in Canada, while still enjoying some time in the classroom teaching.


Where are you living now?
I am living in British Columbia, Canada, and enjoying retirement.

What kind of work were you doing?
For over 30 years, I taught various elementary grades in many locations, which included eight years at an international school in China. What sparked my interest in teaching was NIS. In 1976, Dr. Lott asked me if I would like to be a teacher's helper in the first grade classroom. From that experience, I knew teaching was the job for me!

What’s the one thing that you are really enjoying or most excited about these days?
Though retired, I am enjoying being a teacher on call. No lesson planning, no meetings etc. and I get called just enough to give me extra spending money. That leaves a good amount of time for friends and fun. Went zip-lining recently and loved it!

Was there a teacher at NIS who stood out or who had a positive influence on you?
I thought my teachers at NIS were great! But if I had to pick one teacher that stood out for me, it would be Mr. Bob Greschner. He was so fair, patient and understanding, keeping unpredictable sixth graders in line with just a quiet firm word. He created a very positive learning environment.

What’s your fondest memory from your time at NIS?
So many memories, but one that was fun was the talent show. On a designated evening, we had to go to an auditorium at Nagoya Gakuin because, of course, there was no auditorium at the old NIS. Each elementary class presented a song, skit , or recitation which they had been practicing with their teacher. The older students choose their own serious or amusing presentations. The place was packed. Lots of laughter, and also an amazing amount of real talent was showcased.

What’s the one thing you miss most about your time at NIS/Nagoya?
Though I took it for granted, the community interaction at NIS and among expats was very special. That is something I miss.

Lastly, what words of wisdom do you have for today's Dolphins?
So for today's Dolphins I would say, with all the many goals you have, remember to include being "socially fit". Cultivating positive relationships can keep us happier, healthier and even help us live longer!






