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Dolphin Tales

Navigating the Supply Chain (& Beaches)

Ashley, Class of 2013, is navigating the challenges set forth in today’s supply chain issues, while still finding time to enjoy the beaches she is surrounded by.


Where are you living now?
My job allows me to work from anywhere, but my home remains in the Dominican Republic.

What kind of work are you doing? 
I currently work as a Supply Planning Coordinator; and I also dance for a Flamenco company.

What do you enjoy most about your job? 
I enjoy how technical and detail-oriented it is; especially in these days where we have so many challenges in the Supply Chain industry. It keeps my job exciting!

What kind of challenges does it hold for you?
Learning how to keep a balance between my work and personal life. Working from home can blur a few lines and sometimes it gets difficult disconnecting from your day to day work life.

Did NIS help you prepare for your current position in any way?
Of course! From emotional intelligence to managing my time wisely. The curriculum and after school activities at NIS definitely made a dent in the person I am today.

What’s the one thing that you are really enjoying or get most excited about these days? 
Going to the beach! Thankfully I live on an island and I'm surrounded by many beaches. I try to go out to the beach at least twice a month for a weekend. We have beaches in the mountain side and I enjoy heading out and camping there. 

What’s the one thing you miss most about Japan/Nagoya/NIS? 
I miss the food and the teachers; Mr. / Mrs. Walter and Mr. Grecu, I think about them all the time. Hope they're well.

Lastly, what words of wisdom do you have for today’s Dolphins? 
Soak this in and get into as many activities as possible. Don't be in such a hurry to grow up, be present, and enjoy these years.







