Dolphin Tales
Keeping it All Together Down Under
Kai, Class of 2020, is learning how to maneuver studying (engineering), playing soccer, and all-around how to stay organized and focused at the University of Queensland in Australia.
Where are you now?
I’m in Brisbane, Australia, studying at the University of Queensland.
What are you studying? Do you have a major?
I’m studying to get my Bachelor of Engineering, majoring in Civil and Environmental Engineering.
What was your most favorite class so far?
I’d have to say my favorite class so far was an introductory engineering class where we were put in groups to build a self-automated fire-fighting robot. We had to do it within the semester. For uni classes in general, you have to work individually most of the time so it was fun to work with a group of friends.
What was your least favorite class so far?
Math classes in general. I thought I was over with all the math by the end of high school but I was wrong! I’m just not really keen on doing any more theoretical stuff and want to jump into more practical learning. I guess it’s because I'm more of a hands-on kind of guy.
What part of university life do you enjoy the most?
I like the fact that it's up to you to create your own schedule for study. I try to wake up around 7 to get to class, but sometimes I end up sleeping in until 11. But then you realize your 5 weeks behind lectures! Whatever you do comes around to bite you so, in the end, it doesn’t matter how hard you hit, it's about getting hit and keeping it moving forward.
Outside of your studies, what is one thing you are excited about or interested in these days?
I’m playing soccer and getting a bit of pocket money out of it. I’m also going to the gym every day and being mistaken as the Rock every time. You could say that I’m suffering from success!
What is the one thing you miss about Japan (or Nagoya)?
I really miss living in my hometown, Owariasahi, the place I grew up in. I really miss being with family and friends. You only realize how valuable it is, and appreciate the time spent there, when you move to a different place. Other than that I miss the usual kick about during lunch break at school…and bento!
What's the most significant difference between where you are now and NIS?
The biggest difference is that you are more independent and have more freedom which means you have to be more disciplined. Having the right people around you will influence you to do so. Back at NIS, you could say that I was just going with the flow but here you have to create your own flow if you wanna go big and not go home.
Lastly, what words of wisdom do you have for today's Dolphins?
Although sleeping is very important doesn’t mean you can sleep in class and all my friends and teachers can testify that I have never slept during class. Be on time for your class as well. Lastly, I want to say life isn’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. So turn up on a hater every chance you get. Be hungry to want the biggest watch even if it will hurt your wrist.
サッカーをやっていて、それで少しお小遣い稼ぎもしています。あと、毎日ジムに行っているのですが、いつもザ ロック(元プロレスラー、俳優)に間違われます。有名人は大変です(笑)