Dolphin Tales
It’s a good (college) life!
Eri, Class of 2019, is enjoying the variety of classes and subjects she has been able to pursue at the University of Toronto.
Where are you now?
I am currently in Toronto, Canada studying at the University of Toronto.
What are you studying? What is your field of study/major?
I study economics, philosophy, and Latin American studies.
What was your favorite class so far?
My favorite course so far has to be the Economics of Fairness class or the Philosophy of Literature class. Economics of Fairness was super interesting because the topics covered in the course can be directly used in our everyday lives (like how to split rent amongst two people when the size of the rooms is different). It was the first time seeing economics being used in real life, without the weird assumptions that economists often make, so it became my favorite Economics course. Also, the Philosophy of Literature course was thought-provoking as it allowed me to think a lot about the role of literature in human life. Sometimes literature gets a bad reputation as being not as "intellectually enticing" as nonfiction. But this course made me think about the importance of literature in our moral understandings and how literature is just as intellectually important as nonfiction.
What was your least favorite class so far?
I despised my Linear Algebra course (which I took in my first year). It was never a fun course. Let's be honest, two lines intersecting at a point or two planes intersecting at a line are not that exciting (in my opinion!). It quickly became my least favorite course when the class started talking about 4th, 5th, and even “n”th dimensions. Although I took that course two years ago, I still do not understand why I need to know about the 4th dimension!
What part of university life do you enjoy the most?
I love that there is a wide variety of classes you can take, and you have the freedom to choose any course you want. Especially in a big university like mine, there are so many options that when class enrollment starts, it quickly gets overwhelming because there are so many interesting classes.
Outside of your studies, what is one thing that you are excited about or interested in these days?
This summer, I am doing an internship at BlackRock, Inc., an investment management firm. In a way, I am excited to start a new chapter of my life. I still have a semester of college left after this summer, but it does feel like the chapter of my life as an undergraduate student is closing, and a new one is just about to start.
What is the one thing you miss about Japan (or Nagoya)?
I miss a lot of things (like family and food), but one thing that I did not expect to miss was the warm toilet seats available in Japan! Before leaving, I took it for granted that in the winter, toilet seats are warm. But now, I have a newfound appreciation for the warm toilet seats of Japan. I really do wish that toilet seats in Canada were also warm!
What’s the biggest difference between where you are now and NIS?
The biggest difference between where I am, and NIS is the proximity of relationships between teachers and students. I certainly miss that about NIS and something that took a while for me to get accustomed to when I first started at university.
And of course, we need to know, what words of wisdom do you have for your schoolmates still at NIS?
First, enjoy the NIS life. You can only be in that grade once in your lifetime, so cherish it. Some of my closest friends are from NIS, and those relationships you build will continue with you even after high school, so treasure them and enjoy it. Second, because you are all in such a great learning environment, surrounded by great teachers, utilize that opportunity. Talk to them and learn from them as much as you can because they are all insanely intelligent and can give sound advice. Lastly, don't knock it until you try it. You never know what you might like and what you might not like. So rather than being prejudiced, give it a try and see how you like it. This is for classes, after-school activities, and even opportunities. Give it a try because, for all you know, that thing might be the next big passion you have.