Dolphin Tales
Back Home Working in Design
Anna, Class of 2015, is back in Nagoya using her art education working as an Experience Designer while expanding her passion for design on the side too.
Where are you living now?
I've been back in Nagoya since earlier this year!
What kind of work are you doing?
I'm an Experience Designer at a tech and design consulting company. Most people ask, "What is experience design?". Well, my main job is to help solve problems by designing people-friendly products and services. For example, I recently developed an office building mobile app in which I designed the screens and conducted user tests to check if it makes sense for our target users to navigate.
I also started a design studio called Ricebox Studio while studying for my postgraduate degree. I co-run the studio with three designers. We mainly use our visual communication and creative tech skills to work with clients on social good projects. We recently won an award for Best Website User Experience, so please check out our website!
What do you enjoy most about your job?
One of the most important research processes of Experience Design is to conduct user interviews and tests to better understand the wants, needs, and pain points of our end-users. I've had the opportunity to chat with and hear the voices of some really cool people (for example a wine expert and author), who I probably wouldn't have met without being in this field. On top of that, each client project usually lasts for a couple of months and is a different topic, so every project is super exciting!
What kind of challenges does it hold for you?
At art school, you're given the full creative freedom to realize all your crazy conceptual ideas into installation pieces, interactive products and more. But in the corporate industry, there's just so much more you need to consider, including client requests, user needs, development feasibility, timeline, revenue stream, and budget! So right now, my biggest challenge is understanding the perspectives of the clients, the users, the developers, and the business analysts to co-create products with value from all angles.
Did NIS help you prepare for your current position in any way?
The IB programme and the teachers at NIS really helped me to become a proactive, quick learner. It’s helped me with my current job, because the nature of consulting is quite fast-paced and chaotic. I have months when I’m super busy with multiple projects and have had times when I was suddenly pulled into projects halfway through.
What’s the one thing that you are really enjoying or get most excited about these days?
I've been actively practicing Tahitian dance again and have been taking online lessons from an amazing dancer based in France. It's been such a beautiful experience and such a refresher to dance in the morning before work (I work remotely so I can go straight to my desk in my dance-wear).
What’s the one thing you miss/remember most about NIS?
I definitely miss my friends! It feels a bit surreal that I'm back in Nagoya where I grew up, but no one is here - they're all in Tokyo or overseas! I'm looking forward to our future reunions!
また、修士号の勉強のかたわら、「Ricebox Studio」というデザインスタジオを立ち上げました。3人のデザイナーと共同で運営しています。ビジュアルコミュニケーションとITスキルを利用し、クライアントとともに社会や地球環境に役立つプロジェクトに取り組んでいます。先日、Best Website User Experienceの賞を受賞しました。是非私たちのウェブサイトをご覧ください。