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Dolphin Tales

A Real Life “Suits” Experience

Rika, Class of 2012, lives in London and is experiencing first hand the diversity and professionalism of an international law firm. 


Where are you now?
I am currently living in London, UK!

What kind of work are you doing?
I am a trainee solicitor (lawyer) working for an international law firm. 

What is your favorite part of your work now?
As cliche as it sounds, the people. My firm puts an emphasis on diversity, so I get to work with the most wonderful colleagues from so many different backgrounds. It's what makes me want to get out of bed, get dressed and go into the office every day. 

What do you find challenging in your job? 
Keeping up the standard of professionalism that is expected of an international law firm. I would say that there are certain aspects of my life that are a bit like the TV show, "Suits", in that I get to experience the glitz and glam of the corporate legal world in a very fancy office! But at the same time, the standard that is expected of a lawyer working in an international law firm is very high, and keeping it up in every work I get is challenging, especially knowing that that standard is what gives the firm the very good reputation that it has. However, I always try to remember that there is a good kind of stress that can actually increase your level of performance. 

Did NIS help you prepare for your current position in any way?
Definitely! NIS allowed me to see those around me not as someone of a certain age, race or sex, but first and foremost as just a "person" and a "friend". I've mentioned previously that my workplace is very diverse, and the fact that I grew up in an environment that is so accepting of people from so many different backgrounds has allowed me to foster genuine relationships with my colleagues. 

Outside of work, what is one thing that you are excited about or interested in these days?
I had my master's graduation at the University of Cambridge just yesterday, so that was something I was looking forward to for almost two years! I received my degree two years ago but was not able to attend the graduation ceremony because of covid, and it felt surreal to see my friends after what felt like an eternity! 

What is the one thing you miss about Japan?
The food! London has a lot of Japanese restaurants but none compares to the food back home!

Any words of wisdom advice for today’s Dolphins, for your younger classmates- - your “kohai”?.
At the risk of sounding like a mother, study hard and be kind! Even if you decide not to pursue academia, the grit and the work ethic you gain from studying is invaluable and something that will support you throughout your life beyond NIS. And just as importantly, make sure to be kind to those around you. I know life will not always be a walk in the park and it will have its ups and downs. But that's normal, and that's why there is a community like NIS to help you get through it. Help your family, friends and strangers when you can and make sure to lean on them for help when you need it. Remember that you are always kinder than you think :)








親のうるさい小言のようなアドバイスになってしまいますが、「しっかり勉強して、人に優しくすること」です!今後、大学や高等教育に進まないとしても、勉強で培われる努力をする力や諦めない心は必ず、NISを卒業してからもみなさんの人生を豊かにしてくれます。また、それと同時に、周りの人には優しくしてください。人生は山あり谷ありで、落ち込むことや悲しいこともたくさんあります。ですが、そのような時のためにNISのようなコミュニティーがあることを忘れないでください。家族、友達、そして赤の他人に手を差し伸べることを忘れず、また自分が辛いときは周りの人に助けを求めることも忘れないでください。いつも、自分には自分が思っている以上の優しさがあることを覚えていてください :)