Dolphin Tales
Executive Recruiter
Ryan, Class of 2006, is an author, entrepreneur, and global headhunter who was more than happy to take the time to share some of the things that his time at NIS taught him.
Where are you living now?
I live in Tokyo, Japan, with my wife Maria, who is from the Philippines, and our 13-year-old son, Eli. Tokyo is such an exciting place to live, and it’s fun seeing Eli thrive here—he’s currently obsessed with trading Pokémon cards and has become quite the entrepreneur!
What kind of work are you doing?
I’m an executive recruiter helping American companies find the best leaders in Japan. Since 2008, I’ve worked with businesses expanding in Japan, helping them find the right talent to succeed in one of the most competitive job markets in the world. I also wrote a book called Sell Yourself Like a CEO. It’s a guide for anyone who wants to take ownership of their career and set clear goals for their future.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
The best part of my job is helping people succeed. It feels amazing to see someone get a job they’ve worked hard for or to help a company find the perfect person to lead their team. I love knowing I’ve made a difference.
What kind of challenges does it hold for you?
Recruiting in Japan can be tough. Many global companies need leaders who can speak both Japanese and English. Even though Japan is one of the biggest markets in the world, not many people are fluent in English. It’s kind of like finding an NIS student who hasn’t been to another country—it’s rare! That’s why I think you, as NIS students, are such a special group of future leaders.
Did NIS help you prepare for your current position in any way?
One word comes to mind when I think about how NIS helped me: Inquire. NIS taught me to ask questions. Asking questions isn’t always easy—we might feel shy or worry about what others will think. But asking questions helps us learn. Great leaders aren’t afraid to ask simple questions because they truly want to understand. This skill has helped me connect with others and make better decisions in my career.
I also feel deeply connected to NIS through my family. My mother, Kande Sheppard, graduated from NIS in 1978. Her father even helped purchase the land the school is built on today. It’s amazing to think about the legacy and the role my family played in supporting the school’s foundation. Knowing this makes being part of the NIS community even more special to me.
What’s the one thing you enjoy or are most excited about these days?
Right now, I’m focused on digital marketing and how I’m using the internet to sell my book. This was inspired by my father, Lowell Sheppard, who is currently sailing around Japan and sharing his adventures on his YouTube channel, Pacific Solo. Watching him use digital platforms to tell his story made me realize the power of the internet to connect with people and share meaningful ideas.
Digital marketing is such an important skill for future leaders. It allows you to amplify your message and make an impact on a global scale. Now is the perfect time to start learning about it, so you’ll be ready to shine in whatever you choose to do.
What’s the one thing you miss most about NIS?
I miss the sense of community at NIS. The friendships I made and the support from my teachers were incredible. That feeling of belonging is something I’ll never forget.
Lastly, what words of wisdom do you have for today’s Dolphins?
It’s never too early to set goals for yourself. One easy thing you can do now is create a confidence inventory. Write down your strengths, achievements, and challenges you’ve overcome. Think about what makes you unique—like your teamwork, creativity, or communication skills.
Knowing your strengths helps you use them to your advantage, and knowing where you can grow helps you build great teams. This mindset will give you a head start when you begin your career.
My book, Sell Yourself Like a CEO, has exercises to help you get started. This book is for anyone who wants to grow personally or professionally. It helps readers find their strengths, set goals, and take steps to succeed. You can find it on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback.
Lastly I’d like to thank NIS for helping me on my journey. I’m proud to be part of this amazing community and can’t wait to see how today’s Dolphins will change the world.
私はエグゼクティブ・リクルーターとして、アメリカ企業が日本で最適なリーダーを見つけるお手伝いをしています。2008年から、日本市場への進出を目指す企業が、成功に必要な人材を確保できるよう支援してきました。また、『Sell Yourself Like a CEO(CEOのように自分を売り込め)』という本を執筆しました。この本は、キャリアを主体的に築き、将来の目標を明確にしたい方に向けた実践的なガイドです。
最近はデジタルマーケティングに力を入れています。特に、インターネットを活用して自分の本を広める活動をしています。これは、父のロウェル・シェパードの影響が大きいですね。父は現在、日本周辺を航海しながら「Pacific Solo」というYouTubeチャンネルで冒険の様子を発信しています。彼がデジタルツールを活用して世界中の人々とつながる様子を見て、インターネットの持つ影響力に気づかされました。
私の本『Sell Yourself Like a CEO』には、これらを実践するためのエクササイズも載っています。この本は、個人としても、仕事においても成長したい人に向けた内容になっています。自分の強みを見つけ、目標を設定し、成功へのステップを踏み出すためのヒントが詰まっています。AmazonでKindle版とペーパーバック版が購入できますので、興味があればぜひチェックしてみてください。