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Tuition, Fees & Registration

Below is information on the 2024-25 school year tuition and fees.


2024-25 Tuition & Fees



Registration and Invoicing

Withdrawal & Refunds


  • A semester is half of the school year, usually from August-December and then January-June.
  • A quarter is half a semester; usually August-October, October-December, January-March, March-June. 
  • Below is the annual calendar related to billing and registration:
    • August: Quarter 1 start; Quarter 2 registration window opens
    • September: Registration window opens for subsequent school year (ELC students only)
    • October: Quarter 2 start; Quarter 3 registration window opens
    • December: Semester 1 end;  Withdrawal Form submission deadline to obtain Semester 2 refund
    • January: Quarter 3 (Semester 2) start; Quarter 4 registration window opens
    • March: Quarter 4 start; Quarter 1 of subsequent school year registration window opens
    • April 30: Returning student ¥100,000 deposit due
    • May 20: Direct debit payment application due
    • June 30: Returning student tuition & Campus Development Fee due for next academic year
  • Cezars Kitchen lunch fees are NOT payable through NIS and must be arranged separately (see
  • In the event of force majeure extended school closure necessitated by a severe or catastrophic event or set of circumstances which are beyond the control of the school, tuition and fees are non-refundable. In all circumstances, NIS will strive for continuity of operations as much as possible.
  • NOTICE:  Organizations of all sizes are being targeted by malicious third parties who are trying to steal data or commit fraud.  International schools are increasingly subject to these threats and for this reason we ask that parents take due care when remitting their tuition fee payments.  Our bank account details have not changed this year and any future changes would always be communicated via multiple channels.  Should you ever have doubts please contact the school directly by phone and ask for the details to be confirmed in writing.


NIS Tuition, Fees, Registration & Invoicing