NIS Admissions Policy & Key Principles
The Admissions Process
Choosing a school is an important decision, and it is a process that should not be rushed. The application process is an important way for both the applicant’s family and the school to ensure an appropriate match between the applicant and our mission and objectives, as well as the applicant’s family and our school community.
Applications for admission are accepted throughout the year, and students can enroll at any time, depending on availability, through grade 11. Applications are not accepted for students intending to enroll in grade 12.
Applicant families are encouraged to review the NIS Admissions Policy above, our School Mission and all of our Guiding Statements - our Definition of Learning, our Belief about Language, our commitment to International Mindedness, Student Well-Being and our commitment to ‘who we serve’.
The application for admissions consideration can be found in our online Admissions Portal and once the applicant’s parents/guardians have applied, all other required documents and materials can be submitted within the online portal. Applicants will be considered only after all required materials are submitted.
Applying families must disclose all information necessary to support the school in caring for the learning and well-being of the student. This includes all existing diagnostic and support documents, medical information, emotional health information, information about specific learning needs and any other information that may be relevant to staff in caring for the applicant. Such information must be disclosed during the admissions process and as necessary if enrolled during the period of the applicant’s continued enrollment. Any false statements made in the application form or any of the supporting documents or at any time hereafter may be grounds for denial of admission or a requirement that the student withdraw from NIS.
The Admissions & Development Office coordinates the admissions process. If the applicant is also applying for scholarship consideration, the parents/guardians must complete a separate Scholarship application (available HERE), and also schedule an additional interview with the Scholarship Committee. The Admissions & Development Office coordinates any admissions testing (EAL or other), if required.
After all of admissions materials and documentation has been submitted, the school will determine eligibility, grade placement, whether additional support is needed, and whether or not we are confident that the applicant can maintain satisfactory progress. Either an "Orientation Meeting" or "Admissions Interview" will be scheduled with one of the Principals. The interview is conducted in English and it is expected that both parents attend. Parents can bring a translator if needed.
After the admissions process has been completed, the Admissions Office will contact the family either by email or telephone as soon as a decision is made by the Principal.
Application Timeline
The NIS Admissions Policy serves to ensure that the school is able to welcome students and families who can benefit from and access our mission and guiding statements. It is designed to ensure that NIS admits students in full alignment with our commitment to who we serve. The full policy can be reviewed HERE.
Nagoya International School (NIS) serves internationally-minded students and their families, providing an inquiry-based, whole-child educational approach for students in preschool through grade 12. In order to serve our students, our expectation is that all community members embrace our Mission and value diversity and inclusion. As a non-profit, inclusive school, NIS makes the best use of our community resources to support our learners reflecting the complex dimensions of diversity including language, nationality, race, ethnicity, gender identity, ability, socioeconomic background and neurodivergence. NIS accepts those students that we have the capacity to support to ensure that each student has the ability to achieve our Mission."
Please carefully read our Admissions Criteria and details of the Admissions Process.
Admissions Criteria
While the admissions process at NIS is guided by an inclusive philosophy, the needs of each applicant are considered carefully while also evaluating the ability of the school to deliver equitable access to the mission for all enrolled students.
Applicants must have an interest in our school mission and philosophy, present an ability to succeed within our curriculum, be sufficiently mature for their age, and have an appropriate level of English language proficiency.
- Norms, Values & Expectations
- Age Requirements
- Academic Readiness
- Behavior, Social Skills and Well-Being Readiness
- English Language Readiness
- Admissions Capacity
- Admissions of Students who do not meet all Entrance or Placement Criteria
- Admissions Priority
- Types of Acceptance
- Appeals Process
- Non-Discrimination & Equal Opportunity
- Confidentiality & Data Protection
Norms, Values & Expectations
Age Requirements
Academic Readiness
Behavior, Social Skills and Well-Being Readiness
English Language Readiness
Admissions Capacity
Admissions of Students who do not meet all Entrance or Placement Criteria
Admissions Priority
Types of Acceptance
Appeals Process
Non-Discrimination & Equal Opportunity
Confidentiality & Data Protection
Short-Term Enrollment Policy
At NIS, while we emphasize the importance of continuity and progression in education, we understand that in certain circumstances, short-term enrollment may be in the best interest of the student. Therefore, NIS offers a short-term enrollment option under specific conditions.
- Applying for Short-Term Enrollment
- Short-Term Enrollment Eligibility
- Duration of Short-Term Enrollment
- Cost of Short-Term Enrollment
- Rights of Short-Term Enrollment Students
- Transitioning from Short-Term to Regular Student Status
- Short Term Enrollment Refunds Policy
Applying for Short-Term Enrollment
Short-Term Enrollment Eligibility
Duration of Short-Term Enrollment
Cost of Short-Term Enrollment
Rights of Short-Term Enrollment Students
Transitioning from Short-Term to Regular Student Status
Short Term Enrollment Refunds Policy
NIS operates two types of testing as a part of the admissions process. In the case that admissions criteria need to be evidenced prior to an admissions decision being confirmed, then Entrance Testing is conducted. In the case that a decision on admissions can be confirmed but the school needs additional information before making a decision on grade or course placement, or additional support that may be required, then Placement Testing will be conducted.
Admissions Interview/Orientation Meeting
After the Admissions application and materials have been reviewed by the Admissions Office, either an Entrance Orientation Meeting (in the case that acceptance can be confirmed) or an Entrance Admissions Interview (in the case that acceptance cannot yet be confirmed) will be scheduled with the applicant and the applicant’s family.
Guiding Principles
Admissions at NIS is guided by the following six core design principles:
PURPOSE: As a community school, NIS strives to accept students who can benefit from our mission, embrace our guiding statements and access our IB curriculum (or High School Diploma pathway (HSD) as applicable). The policy should serve to meet these aims.
ACCOUNTABILITY: The reasons why families/students may or may not be eligible to be accepted for a place at NIS (or in the wait pool) should be transparent and the school is accountable to stakeholders for the policy and its operation.
CRITERION-BASED: Since places at NIS are limited, and since not all applicants will be able to access the curriculum due to reasons of language or other barriers, and, since NIS resources to support students with specific needs are limited, the school will operate a criterion-based admissions policy.
NON-DISCRIMINATION: While the policy will be criterion-based to ensure that the school can support admitted students to achieve our mission and succeed in our program, those criterion will be inclusive in nature and will be non-discriminatory with regard to home language, race, culture, nationality, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religious or political persuasion or any other factor.
CONTEXTUALLY-BOUND: In operating a criterion-based, non-discriminatory admissions approach, this policy will be bound by local laws and contexts. This means that the policy may set a higher criteria for students who have alternate local educational options and also may prioritize applicants whose families are already a part of the NIS community as siblings, staff students or alumni.
DYNAMIC: Since NIS needs to continually assess the extent to which it is serving the students it admits, this policy should be subject to regular review involving appropriate stakeholder input