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Tackling Global Security Issues

On Thursday, February 29, the NIS Model United Nations Club hosted NISMUN VI. The philosophy of MUN is to provide students with an opportunity to explore real world issues from the perspective of a designated country. Following weeks (and sometimes months) of research and practice understanding MUN protocols and procedures, delegates participate in debating draft resolutions. The aim is to pass a successful resolution, with input from the global community, while maintaining the integrity of one's national aims. The skills learned and practiced through MUN are for life: inquiry, discussion, creating thinking, cooperation, compromise, diplomacy, and coherent self-expression both in writing and in speech.  

For this conference, student delegates debated topics from a UN Security Council perspective. The topics of (1) Preventing the Spread of Nuclear Weapons to Pursue Nuclear Disarmament, and (2) Prevention of Conflict During the Space Arms Race led to fruitful debate. It was inspiring to see new MUN students challenging themselves by taking risks through active involvement. Our more experienced delegates performed exceptionally well and served as excellent models for newer delegates to aspire to. West Japan Model United Nations in Fukuoka is coming quickly in April! NISMUN VI will serve as excellent experience and preparation for that conference.