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Students Stretch Boundaries at Extended Learning Trips

Students from Gr 6 to 10 were away from school for three days for their MYP "Interdisciplinary Units" field trips this week. Gr. 6 visited Kaga city (Ishikawa), Gr. 7 went to Hida-Takayama and the thatched roof homes in Shirakawa (Gifu), Gr. 8 visited Hiroshima, Gr. 9 went on the Kumano-kodo pilgrimage routes west of Ise and Gr. 10 went to Hakuba/Matsumoto (Nagano). Each trip was designed to allow students to extend their classroom experience beyond the boundaries of the NIS campus and apply what they have been studying in a real world interdisciplinary context, and be exposed to the rich history, nature and culture of Japan.