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Gr. 12 TED-Ed Presentations

Gr. 12 students took to the stage for the last time of their NIS experience to deliver some thought-provoking talks to their underclassmen friends and teachers. There were eye-opening statistics about our consumerism and sober reminders of the uneven playing field for women. And at least three of the speakers served up great self-improvement strategies around believing in yourself, learning how to solve conflicts and the importance of recognizing your different emotions. Those, in addition to a final, poignant message about valuing your experiences to help you have a broader perspective about the world around you, sent the audience away with at least some nugget of thought to process. Thank you, Gr. 12 for demonstrating the importance of public speaking and for encouraging your younger friends by example to step up to the mic and keep the NIS TedEd club going for years to come!