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Move-up Days Help Smooth Transitions

Move-up days are one important way for students to make a smooth transition to a new school or a new division. This week, the Gr 5 students had a move-up day on Monday to get a feel for how Secondary School is different from Elementary School and what they can expect when they go up to Gr 6 next school year. On Wednesday, new families enrolling in the ELC preschool and Kindergarten were invited for the ELC Orientation to join classes for a half day and speak with teachers, while current ELC Kindergarten students spent a half day up in the Gr 1 classrooms. They got to meet the Gr 1 teachers and students and even had lunch in the cafeteria like all other elementary students do! Congratulations to students who are moving up in their worlds, and we hope everybody is feeling more confident and excited for the new school year starting in August!