2020-21 Tweets of the Week
Is ikebana abstract sculpture? Grade 5 having a go at creating shapes patterns and levels, and also trying to maintain some simplicity making ikebana. Then decorating the school. Bringing nature and tranquility inside #NISinquire #NISinspire #NISimpact #ikebana pic.twitter.com/MlnhsSeuxi
— NIS Arts (@NIS_Arts) June 3, 2021
Grade 1 chefs, through inquiry about energy, healthy food and choices, have made the menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Pasta, chicken and ice cream for dinner? You will need 20 jumping jacks, 15 pushups and 30 mountain climbers to spend that energy! #NISinquire pic.twitter.com/qevw1EyfLG
— NIS Phys & Health (@NIS_PhysHealth) May 27, 2021
What is abstract art? Inspired by Andy Goldsworthy, Grade 5 have started to inquire into abstraction through natural material sculptures working in groups. These pieces were made by 5W, adding to the sculpture park #NISimpact #andygoldsworthy pic.twitter.com/TC798yij59
— NIS Arts (@NIS_Arts) May 20, 2021
Why do we need systems? What does a system look like? We are sharing our thinking to get these questions answered. #NISinquire #grade2 pic.twitter.com/nS4gAhiDP2
— NIS Grade 2 (@NIS_Grade2) May 12, 2021
How can reading strategies help us solve mysteries? Grade 3 made predictions with clues from the text to solve a Scooby~Do mystery!@NIS_Grade3 @NIS_Primary pic.twitter.com/8Tvwz5TemR
— NIS Grade 3 (@NIS_Grade3) April 29, 2021
An eighth grade student explains her relationship with her ancestors through #poetry in our L&L unit, families amidst a sea of change. #NISinspire #NISimpact pic.twitter.com/OgQh7vq7Zr
— NIS English (@NIS_English) April 20, 2021
IBDPJapanese Language and Literature: 2021 seniors used calligraphy to express their gratitude to #NISinquire #NISinspire #NISimpact pic.twitter.com/UKueEM54U3
— NIS Japanese (@NIS_Japanese) April 16, 2021
"Something wicked this way comes!" 7G Drama are busy filming scenes from Shakespeare's Scottish play (it's bad luck to say the title). Music and Drama students will be bringing stage and screen to life in the MPH for the MYP Arts event on April 22nd. #NISinspire pic.twitter.com/4EvCdusNuL
— NIS Arts (@NIS_Arts) April 7, 2021
“Woah! This is so cool! It looks like an artist did this!” “What is that?” #NISkinder inquiring into the world of plants. #NISinspire #NISinquire #sharingtheplanet pic.twitter.com/lGo7WWwp4H
— NIS ELC (@NIS_ELC) April 2, 2021
Silence. Listening. Truth. Understanding. NIS students explore the legacy of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima in a discussion protocol aimed at encouraging understanding. #NISinquire pic.twitter.com/BymHK4jb7c
— NIS English (@NIS_English) March 17, 2021
We finally tested our boats. We first checked to see if they could sink or float. Then we added some weight to see how strong they were. Finally we reflected on improvements we could make for next time! #NISinquire pic.twitter.com/t2aQwCRZbw
— NIS Grade 1 (@NIS_Grade1) March 11, 2021
Can yoga be a team activity? A short inquiry later - and voila! - yes it can! @nisinquire @nisyoga pic.twitter.com/OUampv5roC
— NIS Phys & Health (@NIS_PhysHealth) March 2, 2021
How can you draw moving bodies, elbows and knees? Grade 2 creating a tapestry of Keith Haring people in various poses. With smaller characters being added due to popular demand. Next we need to find a space to put this up! #NISimpact #classcollaboration pic.twitter.com/nzHx3JW5Kr
— NIS Arts (@NIS_Arts) February 26, 2021
NIS investigative journalists get @NIS_Head Matthew Parr on the hot seat with thought provoking questions—ranging from the value of extracurriculars to the nuances of our COVID response. When NIS students #inquire, you know they’ll get answers #NISinquire #NISinspire #NISimpact pic.twitter.com/cfQwr7eT6i
— NIS English (@NIS_English) February 18, 2021
Exploring portraits through a collage of someone we respect. How can we show their personality and identity? How can we be creative in using alternative images to convey what we want? #NISinquire #collageart pic.twitter.com/BeUG1aHS8N
— NIS Arts (@NIS_Arts) February 10, 2021
Inspirational and independent inquirers: DP language and literature students explore existentialism and the consequences of structural racism by studying Kendrick Lamar’s “To Pimp a Butterfly” in self-study groups. What impactful students! #NISinspire #NISinquire #NISimpact pic.twitter.com/Htj0pNjg2b
— NIS English (@NIS_English) February 5, 2021
Today we become masters of the strategy we learned during online Learning! First we chose two numbers that equal 10. Then we added one more single digit number and write this question on a whiteboard. Finally we found a classmate to answer our question! #NISinquire pic.twitter.com/OPVqLcLpX9
— NIS Grade 1 (@NIS_Grade1) January 28, 2021
Extra! Extra! Former New York Times Global Editions editor Marty Gottlieb and NIS 7th grade students #inquire how they might find the next compelling journalism scoop. What would you investigate?#NewYorkTimes #NISinquire #NISinspire #NISimpact pic.twitter.com/BiiAM6LQSZ
— NIS English (@NIS_English) January 21, 2021
How much have we grown? First day back and we looked at pictures from our first week and school and started to reflect on how much we have changed and grown since then and wrote down our thoughts. #NISimpact pic.twitter.com/GdDZSOZVcZ
— NIS Grade 1 (@NIS_Grade1) January 11, 2021
The frosty air is dancing
— NIS English (@NIS_English) December 17, 2020
With the leaves who are twirling
As they float away,
I see them on their way.
-Snow Girl (a seventh grade poet) #NISinquire #NISinspire #NISimpact pic.twitter.com/w9Kl5ihI2U
Have you had an embarrassing moment while living in Japan? Why did it occur? G5/6Japanese B2 class students created the guiding video "What are the expected behaviors?" in the restaurant. #NISImpact @NIS_Grade5 @NIS_Grade6 pic.twitter.com/cYcoogz5rd
— NIS Japanese (@NIS_Japanese) December 8, 2020
“Instead of thinking outside the box, get rid of the box.” - Deepak Chopra...(G8 PHE outdoor education excursion) pic.twitter.com/jdJkDe2plJ
— NIS Phys & Health (@NIS_PhysHealth) December 3, 2020
5G students teaching all about matter and liquid to their kindergarten buddies! How many drops of water can you fit on a coin? Ask a kindergartener! Do water molecules attract? Ask a kindergartener! Why do water molecules attract? Ask a 5th grader! @NIS_ELC #NISimpact pic.twitter.com/N5geNHX8kR
— NIS Grade 5 (@NIS_Grade5) November 20, 2020
Karate kick? Violin while singing? Aerobics? This is how to make skip counting fun! We counted in 5s and 10s, but the students took over the lesson decided how they wanted to practice these patterns. #NISinspire #NISinquire pic.twitter.com/ZRWzN8g1we
— NIS Grade 1 (@NIS_Grade1) November 12, 2020
What is the length of each person's pinky finger in 5G? Okay now that we have all this data... let's find the mean, median, mode and range! Students working hard to explore these concepts. Still some confusion about which is which! #NISinquire pic.twitter.com/Qkc3p6LiEc
— NIS Grade 5 (@NIS_Grade5) November 6, 2020
How many dinosaurs can you fit into an elevator? A standard out-of-context math textbook question, or a genuine area for investigation? Just another day of #NISinquire. No dinosaurs, humans or elevators were harmed in the filming of this tweet! pic.twitter.com/OkGYY4yLCj
— NIS Maths (@NIS_Mathematics) October 31, 2020
Everyone at #NIS wears many hats. Working as a community to bring fun, excitement and learning to the children. #NISinquire #NISimpact #NISinspire pic.twitter.com/lqL2RzZPkz
— NIS ELC (@NIS_ELC) October 21, 2020
One of our facility team members was touched to find this not-so-hidden message on a routine sweep through the East Building in the hallway near the MPH. What a wonderful anonymous sentiment! #NISinspire #ILoveNIS pic.twitter.com/pHgkpfsW4R
— Nagoya Int'l School (@NagoyaIS) October 6, 2020
Perspective. What is a refugee’s perspective? What is your perspective? What is someone else’s perspective? Grade 3 thinks, feels and hopes from different points of view. #NISinquire pic.twitter.com/zrR9k8yiUm
— NIS Grade 3 (@NIS_Grade3) October 2, 2020
“Look! Why is it stuck to my hand?” While tidying up we got to explore the idea of static electricity. Then we shared what we learned with our friends. #NISinquire #NISinspire #Kindergarten #science pic.twitter.com/slsj9hPKuD
— NIS ELC (@NIS_ELC) September 22, 2020
Who says you can’t study snowflakes in summer? Grade 11 mathematicians analyzing and trying different approaches to investigate the Koch Snowflake fractal. Will they find a solution, or be caught in an eternal conundrum? #NISinquire pic.twitter.com/vZNzcvstZP
— NIS Maths (@NIS_Mathematics) September 18, 2020
How does light change the way we interact with different spaces? #NISpreschool is exploring light in our new #sensory room. #NISinquire #NISinclude pic.twitter.com/RWC9YKUtnz
— NIS ELC (@NIS_ELC) September 9, 2020
“Are journeys always fun?” They occur for many reasons but being in good company makes a journey all the more memorable! #NISInspire #NISGrade3 pic.twitter.com/jYfdeUOgCO
— NIS Grade 3 (@NIS_Grade3) September 3, 2020
“Why is reading important?” and “How can we become better readers?” These are some questions grade 2 were inquiring into using “Chalk Talk” #thinkingroutine #NISInquire #nisgrade2 pic.twitter.com/BOXiMjpLS4
— NIS Grade 2 (@NIS_Grade2) August 26, 2020