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COVID Update (1/14)

(Sent on January 14, 2022)

COVID Update (1/14)


Dear Parents, 
Thank you to all our families for your continued support over the course of the pandemic. As you are aware, NIS has four ‘levels’ of safety designed to protect our school community. The highest level (Level 4) is characterized by an immediate or significant risk and will result in online learning for one or more sections of the school. The lowest level (Level 1) would represent a relatively normal school but with some enhanced precautions. For much of this school year we have been in Level 3, but were fortunate to be able to enter our current level, Level 2, just before the winter break, and at that time you will have noticed an increase in student activities and trips as well as access to campus for parents.
Of course, we are monitoring the Omicron situation carefully. At this time we remain in Level 2, although we are preparing for the likelihood of needing to go back to Level 3 and possibly even Level 4 in the days, weeks, or months ahead. 
Certainly, if we have an identified COVID case within our community we would move to Level 4 immediately. In the case that Aichi prefecture moves to a state of emergency or similar restrictions, or should there be specific government advice to schools, this could also move us to Level 3.
As always, we remain in close contact with the other JCIS schools and our JCIS consultant for medical advice. Our NIS COVID-team meets at least once a week to review and assess the current situation and make modifications as necessary based on the current levels of risk. 
As I am sure parents are also aware, we are encouraged by the emerging scientific consensus that Omicron is less pathogenic than former strains, as well as by the fact that there is no emerging evidence that there is an increased risk to children through this strain. However, we are also very mindful that the increased contagious nature of the strain will have an impact on the health infrastructure of Japan and for that reason, all of us have a responsibility to do what we can to slow the spread and ‘flatten’ the 6th wave. Given this, I think it is highly likely that we will be in Level 3 and/or possibly Level 4 for some period during this quarter.
We do need to continue to ask our families for support with our COVID measures. Here are some ways you can help:

  • Continue to practice good hygiene and virus prevention in your own family.
  • Please follow government advice and avoid situations that increase risk (i.e. crowded, closed, or close-contact settings);
  • Make sure that all eligible family members are vaccinated, and take your booster shot as soon as it is available;
  • Keep your child home if ANY member of your family household is unwell;
  • Have a plan ready for online learning if we need to move your child’s class online. We understand that this is disruptive to families and we appreciate your support if this becomes needed.

Also, as staff also need to follow our campus access policy and stay home at times, we anticipate staffing shortages this quarter as well. In order to help ensure the continuance of face-to-face learning as much as possible, if you know of anyone who would be able to help as a substitute teacher to help offset these shortages, please ask them to email me directly at 
Like the rest of the world, we are hopeful that Omicron is the tail-end of this pandemic. It may be a difficult few months ahead, but we look forward to the end of this ‘sixth wave’ and hopefully a strong end to the year in Level 2 or, even, dare we dream Level 1!
On behalf of the team at NIS, thank you, as always, for your support, 
M. Parr, 
Head of School, NIS

JCIS = Japan Council of International Schools











  • ご家庭内での衛生管理及びウイルス予防対策をお願いします。
  • 行政の指示や要請に従い、リスクの高い行動は謹んでください。(3密回避など)
  • ワクチンの接種対象の方は接種を受けていただき、出来るだけ早くブースター摂取も受けてください。
  • ご家庭内に体調不良の方がいらっしゃる場合はお子様を登校させないでください。
  • 万が一オンライン授業に移行する場合に備え、ご家庭でのご準備をお願いします。ご家族の皆様にはご不便をおかけいたしますが、お子様のクラスをオンラインへと移行させていただく可能性が生じるかもしれません。ご不便をおかけいたしまして申し訳ございません。皆様のご理解とご協力に御礼申し上げます。

また、キャンパスアクセス・ポリシーにより教員が自宅待機となることも予想されます。できる限り対面授業を継続するため、代理教師を務められる方をご存知でしたら、 まで直接ご連絡いただきますようお伝えいただけましたら幸いです。



学校長 マシュー・パール

JCIS =  日本インターナショナルスクール協議会