Parent Agreement (8/24)
(sent August 24, 2021)
Parent Agreement
Our ability to keep our community as safe as possible (and to maximize the chances of being on-campus for learning as much as possible), relies on a strong campus access policy that everyone follows.
In order to attend NIS, it is essential that all community members read, understand and agree to abide by the campus access policy in full. Additionally there is important information regarding safety expectations of your child during campus learning and online learning modes which also need to be understood and agreed to by all our families.
We are requiring parents to indicate that they have read, understood and agree to the NIS campus access policy available in English and Japanese on our school website. We also ask that you indicate that you have read, understood and agree to support your child in meeting the expectations of both our on campus and online learning models as described on our website.
Once you have read the relevant sections of the website, please enter your child's names & grades separately below, and submit verification that you have read and understand the policies and procedures. This should be done by Friday, August 27.
By indicating your agreement now, you also agree to abide by any changes that may be made to the policy and practiced over the course of the year in response to government and/or scientific advice concerning the risks of COVID.
Please note that students whose parents have NOT verified that they have read and agree to our campus access policy will be invited to discuss this with the school. Ultimately those who do not agree to the policy will NOT be allowed onto campus as this policy is a condition of continued enrollment at NIS.
The relevant pages are below, in either English or Japanese.
Thank you for your support in keeping NIS a safe and healthy community!
- M. Parr, Head of School
学校長 マシュー・パール