Level 4 Update and Frequently Asked Questions (2/1)
Dear NIS Community,
Thank you to everyone for your help and support as we move through this sixth COVID wave together. It is incredible to see everyone pull together to make sure that we continue to deliver the best learning and well-being possible during these difficult times.
Please read the below important information which we hope will address some of the common questions we have been receiving:
- How does the School decide when to close a grade, a class, a division, or even the whole campus?
- Why are we in Level 4? What does that mean? And when will we go to Level 3?
- ‘Quarantine Learning’: What is ‘Quarantine Learning’ and who is it for?
- Enrolling your Child in Quarantine Learning
- Why is Quarantine Learning not Available to Students by Choice?
- What does it mean if my child is designated a ‘close contact’?
- Why are there no ASAs (After School Activities) for Primary but there are for Secondary right now?
- Is there any guidance NIS has for families? How can we help?
How does the School decide when to close a grade, a class, a division, or even the whole campus?
Why are we in Level 4? What does that mean? And when will we go to Level 3?
‘Quarantine Learning’: What is ‘Quarantine Learning’ and who is it for?
Enrolling your Child in Quarantine Learning
Why is Quarantine Learning not Available to Students by Choice?
What does it mean if my child is designated a ‘close contact’?
Why are there no ASAs (After School Activities) for Primary but there are for Secondary right now?
Is there any guidance NIS has for families? How can we help?
We thank all our parents for your incredible support as together we chart a pathway through this sixth COVID wave. We are all looking forward to seeing this pandemic move into the background and the relative freedoms this will bring.
Until then, we are confident that, by working together, we will be able to keep the school going for our students, keep our community connected, and be able to continue to Inquire, Inspire, Impact - and Include.
M. Parr, Head of School
Nagoya International School
- 学年、クラス、学部、またはキャンパスを閉鎖するにあたっての判断基準は何ですか?
- 何故現在レベル4なのですか? レベル3になるのはいつですか?
- 「隔離授業」:「隔離授業」とは何ですか?誰が対象になりますか?
- 隔離授業へのご登録
- 任意で隔離授業に参加できないのは何故ですか?
- 子どもが「濃厚接触者」に指定されたらどうしたらいいですか?
- 小学部のASAが中止されたのに、中・高等部のクラブ活動が実施されているのは何故ですか?
- 状況を改善するために家庭における指針はありますか?
何故現在レベル4なのですか? レベル3になるのはいつですか?
学校長 マシュー・パール