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Level 4 Update and Frequently Asked Questions (2/1)


Dear NIS Community,
Thank you to everyone for your help and support as we move through this sixth COVID wave together. It is incredible to see everyone pull together to make sure that we continue to deliver the best learning and well-being possible during these difficult times. 
Please read the below important information which we hope will address some of the common questions we have been receiving:

We thank all our parents for your incredible support as together we chart a pathway through this sixth COVID wave. We are all looking forward to seeing this pandemic move into the background and the relative freedoms this will bring.
Until then, we are confident that, by working together, we will be able to keep the school going for our students, keep our community connected, and be able to continue to Inquire, Inspire, Impact - and Include. 
M. Parr, Head of School
Nagoya International School








学校長 マシュー・パール