COVID-19 Vaccinations and Your Family (10/1)
(sent Oct. 1, 2021)
COVID-19 Vaccinations and Your Family
新型コロナワクチンについて (英文の下に日本語訳が続きます。)
Along with our Japan Council of International School (JCIS) partners, NIS supports and endorses the use of approved vaccines for those who elect to receive them as a safe and effective way of protecting the health of both our students and the wider community, as well as help ensure access to on-campus learning.
The joint statement of the JCIS schools is as follows:
The Japan Council of International Schools (JCIS) supports and endorses the use of approved COVID-19 vaccines in schools for those who elect to receive them as a safe and effective way of protecting students’ health, wider community health, and student access to on-campus learning. While endorsing vaccine uptake, JCIS is committed to supporting student and family choice and ensuring that those choices are respected by others.
Consequently, we encourage all NIS families to consider vaccination for your (eligible) family members and we hope that as many students, parents and staff as possible will elect to receive the vaccine.
NIS makes the following commitments on vaccination:
- While strongly recommending COVID-19 vaccinations for all eligible individuals, NIS upholds the right of free choice on whether or not any individual wishes to receive the COVID-19 vaccination and as such NIS staff will strive to ensure that all students and community members respect the vaccine choices of others.
- No student will be denied access to core educational services on the basis of their vaccine choice. However, subject to future appropriate governmental guidance and after due consideration, NIS reserves the right to consider restricting access to non-core activities (e.g. optional trips or similar) to vaccinated individuals, or to those who have taken a negative PCR test, should this be deemed necessary and reasonable.
- It is also possible that, in future years, once COVID has settled into being a common endemic disease, non-vaccinated students may be asked to remain home in the case of regional or local outbreaks of COVID, as is currently the policy for students who have not yet had common childhood vaccinations (measles, mumps and rubella, for example). This, too, would be subject to medical and governmental guidance.
- In the classroom, while teaching children and responding to their questions, NIS will follow mainstream scientific advice on vaccines as shared by agencies such as the national and local governments and our own doctors and medical professionals.
- As we transition out of the pandemic, NIS will gradually ease its COVID protocols and restrictions (such as mandatory mask wearing and our strict campus-access policy), as well as restrictions on trips and inter-school sports and competitions. We will monitor many sources of data as we consider easing these restrictions, one of which will be the vaccination rate within our own community. For that reason, starting soon, NIS will survey NIS families to inquire about the immunization status of our community in order to best inform these decisions. No community member is obligated to share immunization information unless they wish to do so.
- Currently, vaccinations are available to all students aged 12 and older. This can be done for free using the government voucher that is sent to you or your child. Currently we understand that it is relatively easy to make an appointment at one of several mass vaccination sites (Prefectural Website in Japanese only), or local clinics, provided your child has received their coupon. Information in English including an information phone line with multilingual support is available HERE.
Additionally, parents who would like more information about the risks and benefits of the vaccine may wish to view THIS VIDEO made by Dr. Lomax of the Tokyo Medical Surgical Clinic who has been advising JCIS schools over the course of the pandemic.
Please direct any questions about the school’s vaccine policies and procedures to and refer any medical questions to your own doctor.
We thank the entire NIS community for helping to keep us all safe and preparing us for what we hope will soon be a gradual exit from the restrictions of the pandemic.
Note on Campus Access in the Case of Vaccination
The normal requirements of the campus access policy are adjusted when symptoms consistent with vaccine side effects are experienced immediately following a vaccination. In that case either a doctor's note clearing the person for access to school OR a vaccination record dated within 48 hours of the start of the school day and prior to the onset of symptoms should be provided.
Should such evidence be provided then the campus access policy is adjusted as follows:
- Asymptomatic siblings or family members can attend school and do not need to remain home.
- The vaccinated person who has experienced symptoms may attend school on the first morning they wake up symptom-free without medication and do not need to wait one full calendar day as would have normally been the case.
Additionally, since post-vaccine side effects can occur differently in different individuals, we recommend that students who have received the vaccine take at least one full day to recover at home before attempting to return to school, regardless of symptoms. This reduces the possibility that symptoms may start during the school day, which is difficult both for the student as well as the parent who will then need to come to campus to collect the student.
- 接種対象となる全ての皆様へのワクチン接種を強く推奨いたしますが、同時にワクチン接種に関わる各個人の自己決定権を尊重します。従ってNISの職員は全ての生徒及びコミュニティの皆様によって他者の接種に関わる選択が確実に尊重されるよう尽力します。
- ワクチン接種の有無によって主要な教育プログラムへの参加が拒絶されることはありません。ただし、今後、然るべき行政機関による指導に基づく充分な協議の結果、必要かつ妥当であると思われる場合には、NISは主要でない活動(任意の校外活動またはそれに準ずるもの)への参加を状況に応じワクチン接種者、またはPCR検査で陰性だった者に限定することを検討する権利を有します。
- 将来的に、コロナ禍が収束し、新型コロナウイルスが一般的な風土病となった時、もし新型コロナウイルス地域的感染爆発が発生した場合には、ワクチン未接種の生徒には自宅待機を要請する可能性が考えられます。これは、一般的な予防接種(麻疹、おたふく風邪、風疹など)を未接種の生徒についての現行のポリシーと同様です。これについても医学的及び行政からの指導に基づき行います。
- ワクチンに関し授業内で、また生徒からの質問に回答する際、NISは、国及び地方の行政機関、本校及びJCISの医師や専門家によって共有される主流的な科学的知見に従います。
- コロナ禍が収束に向かうにつれ、NISの感染防止対策や制限(マスク着用、キャンパスへのアクセス制限など)、校外活動や対外試合の制限も徐々に緩和することになるでしょう。これらの制限の緩和にあたりましては様々なデータを考慮の上判断をいたしますが、コミュニティ内のワクチン接種率もその判断材料のひとつです。つきましては、状況を正確に把握するため、まもなくワクチンの接種状況に関するアンケートを実施させていただく予定です。ご回答は任意であり、皆様の接種状況に関わる情報共有を義務付けるものではございません。
- 現在、12歳以上の生徒はワクチン接種の対象となります。保護者の皆様またはお子様あてに郵送されるワクチン接種券で無料で接種できます。現状接種券をお持ちであれば、大規模接種会場でのご予約(愛知県新型コロナウイルス感染症対策サイト・日本語のみ)や病院などでの接種予約は比較的容易であると思われます。英語やその他の言語での情報は こちら からご覧ください。
ワクチン接種のリスクや効果についてさらに詳しくは東京メディカル サージカル クリニックの Dr. Lomax のビデオ をご覧ください。Dr. LomaxはJCIS加盟校に新型コロナウイルスに関するアドバイスを提供しています。
本校のワクチンに関するポリシーや手続きについてご不明な点がございましたら までお問い合わせください。医学的な質問に関してはかかりつけのお医者様にご相談ください。
- 無症状の兄弟姉妹や家族は自宅待機する必要はありません。
- 副反応の症状が出た接種者は、薬を飲まずに症状が全く出なかった最初の朝、当日登校することができ、通常のようにまる一日待つ必要はありません。