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COVID and Learning at NIS clone


Three Models to Serve Our Students During COVID-19 

NIS is a campus-based school, and the joy of our school is coming together to learn from each other, each day. As we live together through the global COVID-19 pandemic we face new challenges in how to deliver learning and well-being safely and effectively. For the 2021-22 academic year, NIS is ready again to ensure a continuance of learning, regardless of the COVID-19 situation in Nagoya. As was the case last school year, we have planned for three models of delivery as follows, a Campus Learning Model, an Online Learning Model and a Bridging Phase:



Pivoting Between Modes of Delivery

The default position is always face-to-face, campus-based learning for all students. However, in responding to the local and national situation, and guided by scientific advice, NIS will make decisions to pivot from campus-based learning to either ‘Online’ or ‘Bridging’ for one or more sections of the school as follows:


Moving to ‘Online Learning’

NIS will consider a move to ‘Online Learning’ if:

  • A case of COVID-19 is reported in the immediate community (a student or staff member*)   In this case, the school (or a subsection of the school such as a grade or division as appropriate) will move to ‘Online Learning’ and will return to campus when advised it is safe to do so by public health authorities.
  • A state of emergency or other official declaration is made that includes the advice or a request that schools should close their campus. In this case, the school will move to online learning and return to campus when the advice is rescinded. 
  • Other exceptional circumstances as deemed appropriate by the administration. 


Moving to the ‘Bridging Phase’

The school will consider moving to the ‘Bridging Phase’ if the school receives advice or requests to restrict campus access by (1) avoiding travel on public transport during the rush hour and/or (2) limiting the total number of students on campus on any one day.
In some cases, in the light of such circumstances, the school may deem that the learning needs of students are best served by the online model. However, after a sustained online learning period, it may be that bringing students to campus on a ‘bridging phase’ schedule is more appropriate for student well-being and learning and in cases such as this, the Bridging Phase may be utilized.  


Campus Access

During COVID-19, campus access will be restricted to prioritize the safety of all. View the latest campus access policy for all staff, students, parents, and visitors HERE


NOTE:  These guidelines are based on current understanding of COVID transmission and these may be reviewed and modified as and when needed should new information come to light.  While it is not possible to completely eliminate the risk of transmission, compliance with these guidelines will significantly mitigate risk for staff, students and families.