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Our Governance

Nagoya International School is a non-profit school governed by a Board of Directors and Board of Trustees. The Board of Directors consists of 5-11 members and two inspector auditors, making a 7-13 members who attend monthly board meetings.  Standing committees of the Board include Finance, Development, Sustainability, Nominating, Scholarships, and Buildings & Grounds and an Executive Committee.  A Board of Trustees, consisting of 11-35 members, serves an advisory role and meets twice annually to review the budget and offer opinion about current condition and future direction of the school.  The school’s constitution and bylaws are shaped and approved by Aichi Prefecture Board of Education following guidelines established by the Japanese Ministry of Education for “gakko hojins” (educational foundations) such as NIS.

In addition to budget approval and oversight, the Board of Directors approve policies consistent with the school’s mission and purpose that support student achievement and attainment of learning outcomes. The Board of Directors also oversees activities such as periodic strategic planning processes or building projects.

Both policy and program implementation are delegated to the administrative and professional staff, and while the Board initiates and approves things such as the strategic plan, responsibility for implementation lies with the professional staff.  Through standing committees, the Board of Directors monitors and periodically evaluates the results of policy and planning implementation to ensure the school’s mission and articulated learning results are being achieved.


Board/Trustee Make-up

Members of the NIS Board of Directors and the Board of Trustees serve a term for three years. The Trustees serve alongside the Board of Directors and Inspector Auditors, but it is the Board of Directors that has the responsibility of ensuring the school is fiscally and operationally sound.  All positions on the Board of Directors, Board of Trustees and Inspector Auditors are volunteer positions, and receive no compensation.


Meet our Directors!