Other Ways to Support
Do you have time to give? Do you have other ways to support the project? The Development Office frequently needs hands to help with mailings and other tasks. Are you the creative type? Perhaps you can come up with fundraising ideas to contribute to the cause.
Those who have other ideas to support the project outside of cash contributions are welcome to share your ideas with the Development Office anytime.
We look forward to hearing from you!
To contact the NIS Development Office directly:
- Website: www.nis.ac.jp
- Email: 2020vision@nis.ac.jp
- Tel: 052-736-2025
- Fax: 052-736-3883
- Postal Mailing Address: Nagoya International School, 2686 Minamihara, Nakashidami, Moriyama-ku, Nagoya Japan 463-0002
- ウェブサイト: www.nis.ac.jp
- Eメール: 2020vision@nis.ac.jp
- 電話: 052-736-2025(平日8:00-17:00)
- FAX: 052-736-3883
- 〒463-0002 名古屋市守山区中志段味南原2686 学校法人 名古屋国際学園 渉外開発室