Donate via Bank Wire Transfer
Donations in yen can be made via bank wire-transfer to one of the school’s bank accounts (details below). Please fill out the donation form before transferring your donation so the office can have your information on record to help confirm contact details.
三菱UFJ銀行 瀬戸支店
普通預金 口座番号: 0225941
口座名: 学校法人名古屋国際学園 寄付金口
(ガッコウホウジン ナゴヤコクサイガクエン キフキングチ)
東春信用金庫 志段味支店
普通預金 口座番号:0007535
口座名:学校法人名古屋国際学園 (ガッコウホウジン ナゴヤコクサイガクエン)
To contact the NIS Development Office directly:
- Website:
- Email:
- Tel: 052-736-2025
- Fax: 052-736-3883
- Postal Mailing Address: Nagoya International School, 2686 Minamihara, Nakashidami, Moriyama-ku, Nagoya Japan 463-0002
- ウェブサイト:
- Eメール:
- 電話: 052-736-2025(平日8:00-17:00)
- FAX: 052-736-3883
- 〒463-0002 名古屋市守山区中志段味南原2686 学校法人 名古屋国際学園 渉外開発室
Donor Recognition
All donors will be recognized on the NIS 2020 Vision Project Donor Recognition Wall which will be located prominently in the new building. NIS is a certified Tokutei Koeki Zoshin Hojin, and donations can be deducted from both individual and corporate Japanese taxes. Please consult a tax accountant or specialist as each donor's circumstances are unique.