2020 Vision Project News
August 21, 2020
East Building Opening!
Dreams do come true! We ‘officially’ opened the New East Building thanks to the support of Governor Ohmura and Mayor Kawamura, plus a small gathering of supporters and staff. There were brief speeches from Mr. Parr, Governor Ohmura, and Mayor Kawamura, followed by the ribbon-cutting ceremony. A number of representatives from the Board of Trustees, the Fundraising Committee, and the school joined in to cut the ribbon, ushering in a new era for NIS! After the ceremony the guests moved into the new East Building Lobby to view the donor board and to have a tour. The ceremony and tour were broadcast live on Facebook for all our supporters from around the community (and the world!) to view. We are truly grateful to all who have made this vision possible and we are excited to start the 20-21 school year with this amazing new addition to the NIS campus!
August 14, 2020
The East Building Opening Ceremony
The Vision is Realized! Come celebrate with us as we cut the ribbon and open the new East Building on August 19! Join us on the NIS Facebook page as we livestream the event from 10:00 and a tour of the new building from around 10:45!
June 18, 2020
East Building Tour Video #2
On June 16, Mr. Parr, Head of School, gave us a second sneak preview of the new East Building. This time we could see how the building is really coming together because the interior walls are in and the MPH is starting to look like a real auditorium! It was a beautiful day for a tour which highlighted all the natural light that floods into the visual arts rooms and the rooftop deck. It was easier to envision the science labs and math rooms as well. It is all coming together on schedule for an August 19 ribbon cutting when the building will be officially opened, just in time to welcome students back to campus for the 20/21 school year! The new East Building will be a welcome new edition, bringing its own architectural flair to compliment the Raymond and Wing buildings. If you missed the tour, don’t worry! You can watch the recording on the NIS Facebook page or an edited version on our YouTube channel! Check it out and let us know what you think!
6月16日に2度目となる「新校舎建設ツアー」を実施いたしました。オンラインでご視聴いただいた皆様に御礼申し上げます。前回のツアーから工事も進み、内部に壁が出来たことでより校舎らしくなったばかりでなく、前回はコンクリートの箱でしかなかった多目的ホールもより「講堂」らしくなっておりました。ツアー当日は4階の美術室や屋上デッキに自然光が差し込む好天で、科学実験室や数学科教室もまた、完成後の様子が目に浮かぶようでした。工事は順調に進んでおり、2020−21学年度の開始直前となる8月19日に正式にオープンする予定です。 既存のレーモンド・ビルやウィング・ビルに通じるスマートなデザインの新しいイースト・ビルは、キャンパスの新しい華となることでしょう。ツアー全体の様子はFacebookのNIS公式ページで、ダイジェスト版はYouTubeでご視聴いただけます。感想やご意見をお寄せいただけましたら幸いです。
June 11, 2020
East Building LIVE Tour (Again!)
The new East Building has been (for the most part) revealed! It is so exciting to see the newest edition to the NIS campus! We will have another live tour on Tuesday, June 16 @ 12:15pm. Please join us on Facebook to see how the inside is progressing!
May 22, 2020
East Building Tour Video
NIS community had a sneak peek of the new building through a virtual tour on May 20, 2020. Live broadcasted on Google Meet and Facebook Live, Mr. Parr walked through the building and explained the various features of the newest addition to the NIS campus. Thank you to those of you who joined the tour on live broadcasting (and we are sorry that we had some technical difficulties for the first part of the tour). We are really grateful to our community who supported us to make this happen.
An edited version of the tour video can be found on our YouTube channel, HERE.
5月20日(水)に、マシュー ・パール校長がご案内する「新校舎建設現場ツアー」をフェイスブック上で生配信いたしました。ご覧くださいました皆様にこの場をお借りして御礼申し上げます。配信中は多くの好意的なご意見をお寄せいただきましたが、ここまで建設を進められましたのは何よりも皆様方のご支援のおかげでございます。
May 15, 2020
East Building LIVE Tour
We’d like to inform you of a special LIVE virtual event that Mr. Parr, Head of School, will be hosting on Facebook, Wednesday, May 20 at 12:15 (JST).
During this event, he’ll be walking through the new East Building, the latest addition to the NIS campus. Though it isn’t scheduled to be open until mid-August, Mr. Parr will be giving us a sneak preview inside and highlight the unique features that will solidify NIS as the top international school in the region.
You can access our Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/NISofficial/
Since it will be live, we’ll be taking questions or comments in real time, so please post if you’d like! We’d love to hear your opinions! If you’d like to send them in advance, please send by email and we will address them during the live event.
We’d love to have you come along on the tour and get a preview of the new building, a symbol of what a community can do when they come together to make a dream reality!
We thank you for your support in helping to make this happen! Let us know if you have any questions or are unsure how to access the event and we’ll be happy to help.
5月20日(水)の午後12時15分(日本時間)より、マシュー ・パール校長がご案内する「新校舎建設現場ツアー」をフェイスブック上で生配信いたします。
March 26, 2020
Bridging Old and New
Despite what is happening around the world, progress is being made everyday on the new building and the form behind the scaffolding is becoming more and more the shiny new learning space that we have been envisioning! This week the bridge connecting the courtyard to the entrance is being put in. Already we can visualize our students buzzing from one building to the next when we reconvene after Summer Break!
January 30, 2020
Construction Progress
The exterior of the new East Building is rapidly changing. The steel frames of the rooftop have been set up and now exceed the height of the Wing Building! By mid-February, they will finish setting up the steel frame and the cranes on the sports field will be removed to allow students access to the entire field again. However, due to this, the surface has been damaged so we plan to use the proceeds from the Raffle to help resurface the field.
Please come have a look for yourself! Indeed, there are many things to look forward to in this new year and new decade. But looking back is important too, and we thank you for all your support to get us this far!
September 26, 2019
Nagoya Tax Deduction
NIS has recently been designated as a subject of the “Kigyou-Kifu-Sokushin-Tokurei-Zeisei (special tax system to promote corporate donations)” by Nagoya City. For donations to our school after January 2019, it is possible for companies to receive a tax deduction on their municipal corporate tax, depending on the amount and timing of account settlement. Please check the Nagoya City website for details (only in Japanese.)
August 21, 2019
New School Year
The 2019-20 school year had officially started on August 20 with a record high 503 students. This year, without the art building, it will be even more challenging for NIS to deal with space issues. On the same day, seeing the construction site for the first time, Grade 5 students has been practicing "mindfulness" with their teachers. Though there is no classroom yet, the site is already becoming a place for inquiring!
July 25, 2019
NIS on the Mid-Japan Economist
An article about the Ground-breaking Ceremony has been published on the Mid-Japan Economist on July 12.
July 25, 2019
Daily Changes Underway!
Since school closed and the Art Building was demolished, the landscape of the campus has been constantly changing. It is a daily reminder that we are getting closer to our goal! We will be working hard to reach our fundraising target, and appreciate everyone’s support.
July 12, 2019
July 11 Ground-Breaking Ceremony
NIS was honored to welcome both Aichi Governor Ohmura and Nagoya Mayor Kawamura along with other prominent leaders from key business organizations and companies to usher in a promising, new era for the school for the 2020 Vision East Building Ground-breaking Ceremony. It was wonderful to have so many guests on campus to celebrate the project, some of whom were visiting NIS for the first time.
NIS is a community school, and we could not have come this far without the support of our entire community. While the event was a great celebration, and though the ground is now broken and construction underway, we still have a ways to go with our fundraising to complete the project in full.
We thank everyone for supporting us up until now, and hope to successfully reach our goal and open the building (and the project in full) in August, 2020!
See the video on YouTube HERE!
June 26, 2019
Sayonara to the Art Building
Demolition of the art building began on June 20 to make room for the construction of the new East Building. But before the building started coming down, the students were allowed some whimsical fun to create art on the walls! We are now one step closer to realizing the dream of all new science, math and visual and performing arts spaces to come in 2020!
June 26, 2019
Deciding on Chairs for New MPH
It is our ultimate goal to raise enough money to completely fit out the Multi-Purpose Hall. One of the crucial components is the retractable auditorium seating that will allow the space to be opened up for sports or club activities and then, when the seats are pulled out, become a space for performances or assemblies. We received some samples, and we have had fun trying out the different seats and dreaming about the day we can roll them out for our first time in 2020!
May 27, 2019
Special Evening Event at U.S. Consul’s Residence (April 19)
The reception held at the U.S. Consul’s residence was a wonderful evening spent with friends and long-time supporters of NIS. We were able to share a progress report and revealed the news about the Aichi Prefectural Grant. A good time was spent enjoying lovely party food over drinks and warm conversation. Thank you to U.S. Consul Gary Schaefer for hosting such a wonderful evening.
April 8, 2019
De-Construction Starts!
The first noticeable action is underway with the demolition of the former staff housing / PTA House now taking place, definitely making the project seem ‘real.’ This space is needed for the cranes in order for construction to start. It also puts extra pressure on our fundraising efforts to make sure that, as the bulldozers make room for the new East Building, we are able to reach our fundraising goal!
February 21, 2019
Talent on Display to Support the 2020 Vision Project
The NHS did their part to help fundraise for the 2020 Vision Project by holding a talent show on Friday, February 15th. They raised a little over ¥20,000 collecting money for an entrance fee to what everyone is saying was a terrific show! The NIS students really lit up the stage, showcasing a wide variety of talent from singing to dancing to playing music, both popular and original. It was an excellent opportunity to discover just how much talent roams the halls of NIS! This includes the funny and entertaining teacher acts, too! Thanks to Mr. Kim, Mr. Butterfield and Ms. Furuhashi for adding to the variety of performances and for supporting the students.
Thanks to all who participated in helping make this awesome event a huge success! Looking forward to the day that a performance like this can be held in the new Multi-purpose Hall, which is a central feature in the new East Building!
February 1, 2019
Kyodo News visited NIS
A Kyodo News reporter visited NIS to report about the uniqueness of NIS and about the 2020 Vision Project.
She had a school tour and learned firsthand about the issues the school is facing regarding lack of space and resources.
January 15, 2019
Annual Raffle Raises ¥2,633,589 for the 2020 Vision Project at the PTA Holiday Bazaar!
Thanks to the efforts of the PTA, student and parent sellers, teacher supporters, and the local community, the PTA annual raffle raised over 2.6 million yen for the 2020 Vision Project at this year’s Holiday Bazaar held on Saturday, December 1, 2018.
The Holiday event was quite a success with lots of good food, games, and shopping opportunities. The raffle prizes this year included two roundtrip tickets to Hawaii thanks to Delta Airlines; an Apple iPhone, thanks to H&R Consultants; hotel prizes donated by Hilton and much more! Adding to the sales of raffle tickets were the themed gift baskets, which were organized by the PTA and created by each class. Everyone had their favorite…from the sports basket to the Italian cooking basket, there was something for every interest!
With every yen critical to our goal, we really appreciate the hard work everyone gave for the successful outcome of the raffle sales, despite moving the time up to coordinate with the Holiday Bazaar. The 2020 Vision Project Committee is truly thankful!
December 28, 2018
NIS on Mainichi Newspaper
An article about NIS and NIS 2020 Vision Project has been published on the Mainichi Newspaper.
December 6, 2018
NIS on Yomiuri Newspaper
An article about NIS 2020 Vision Project has been published on the Yomiuri Newspaper.
December 4, 2018
NIS on Chunichi Newspaper & Nikkei Newspaper
An article about NIS 2020 Vision Project has been published on the Chunichi Newspaper and Nikkei Newpaper.
December 2, 2018
NIS on Chunichi Newspaper
An article about NIS and NIS 2020 Vision Project has been published on the Chunichi Newspaper.